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Categories / Delphi / System

Get the primary domain controller [pdc]

{ The NetGetDCName function returns the name of the primary domain controller (PDC). It does not return the name of the backup domain controller (BDC) for the specified domain. Also, you cannot remote this function to a non-PDC server. Windows 2000/XP: Applications that support DNS-style names should call the function. Domain controllers in this type of environment have a multi-master directory replication relationship. Therefore, it may be advantageous for your application to use a DC that is not the PDC. You can call the DsGetDcName function to locate any DC in the domain; NetGetDCName returns only the name of the PDC. } type EAccessDenied = Exception; EInvalidOwner = Exception; EInsufficientBuffer = Exception; ELibraryNotFound = Exception; NET_API_STATUS = Integer; const NERR_Success = 0; var NTNetGetDCName: function (Server, Domain: pWideChar; var DC: pWideChar): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; NTNetGetDCNameA: function (Server, Domain: PChar; var DC: PChar): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; NTNetApiBufferFree: function (lpBuffer: Pointer): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; procedure NetCheck(ErrCode: NET_API_STATUS); begin if ErrCode <> NERR_Success then begin case ErrCode of ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: raise EAccessDenied.Create('Access is Denied'); ERROR_INVALID_OWNER: raise EInvalidOwner.Create('Cannot assign the owner of this object.'); ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: raise EInsufficientBuffer.Create('Buffer passed was too small'); else raise Exception.Create('Error Code: ' + IntToStr(ErrCode) + #13 + SysErrorMessage(ErrCode)); end; end; end; function GetPDC(szSystem: string): string; { if szSystem = '' return the PDC else return DC for that domain } const NTlib = 'NETAPI32.DLL'; Win95lib = 'RADMIN32.DLL'; var pAnsiDomain: PChar; pDomain: PWideChar; System: array[1..80] of WideChar; ErrMode: Word; LibHandle: THandle; begin Result := ''; LibHandle := 0; try if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin ErrMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); LibHandle := LoadLibrary(NTlib); SetErrorMode(ErrMode); if LibHandle = 0 then raise ELibraryNotFound.Create('Unable to map library: ' + NTlib); @NTNetGetDCName := GetProcAddress(Libhandle, 'NetGetDCName'); @NTNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(Libhandle, 'NetApiBufferFree'); try if szSystem <> '' then NetCheck(NTNetGetDCName(nil, StringToWideChar(szSystem, @System, 80), pDomain)) else NetCheck(NTNetGetDCName(nil, nil, pDomain)); Result := WideCharToString(pDomain); finally NetCheck(NTNetApiBufferFree(pDomain)); end; end else begin ErrMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); LibHandle := LoadLibrary(Win95lib); SetErrorMode(ErrMode); if LibHandle = 0 then raise ELibraryNotFound.Create('Unable to map library: ' + Win95lib); @NTNetGetDCNameA := GetProcAddress(Libhandle, 'NetGetDCNameA'); @NTNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'NetApiBufferFree'); try if szSystem <> '' then NetCheck(NTNetGetDCNameA(nil, PChar(szSystem), pAnsiDomain)) else NetCheck(NTNetGetDCNameA(nil, nil, pAnsiDomain)); Result := StrPas(pAnsiDomain); finally NetCheck(NTNetApiBufferFree(pAnsiDomain)); end; end; finally if LibHandle <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(Libhandle); // free handle if it has been allocated end; end; end; // Example call, Beispielaufruf: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin try Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; label1.Caption := GetPDC(''); finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end;