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Get the pathes of the windows special folders

Title: get the pathes of the windows special folders? uses ActiveX, ShlObj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // Replace CSIDL_HISTORY with the constants below var Allocator: IMalloc; SpecialDir: PItemIdList; FBuf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; PerDir: string; begin if SHGetMalloc(Allocator) = NOERROR then begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Form1.Handle, CSIDL_HISTORY, SpecialDir); SHGetPathFromIDList(SpecialDir, @FBuf[0]); Allocator.Free(SpecialDir); ShowMessage(string(FBuf)); end; end; // With Windows Me/2000, the SHGetSpecialFolderLocation function // is superseded by ShGetFolderLocation. // function to get the desktop folder location: function GetDeskTopPath : string; var shellMalloc: IMalloc; ppidl: PItemIdList; PerDir: string; begin ppidl := nil; try if SHGetMalloc(shellMalloc) = NOERROR then begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Form1.Handle, CSIDL_DESKTOP, ppidl); SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH); if not SHGetPathFromIDList(ppidl, PChar(Result)) then raise exception.create('SHGetPathFromIDList failed : invalid pidl'); SetLength(Result, lStrLen(PChar(Result))); end; finally if ppidl nil then; end; end; { Constants: CSIDL_DESKTOP CSIDL_INTERNET CSIDL_PROGRAMS CSIDL_CONTROLS CSIDL_PRINTERS CSIDL_PERSONAL CSIDL_FAVORITES CSIDL_STARTUP CSIDL_RECENT CSIDL_SENDTO CSIDL_BITBUCKET CSIDL_STARTMENU CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_DRIVES CSIDL_NETWORK CSIDL_NETHOOD CSIDL_FONTS CSIDL_TEMPLATES CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_APPDATA CSIDL_PRINTHOOD CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE CSIDL_COOKIES CSIDL_HISTORY } {***********************************************************} { Read paths from registry. by LENIN INC } uses Windows, SysUtils, Registry; type TSystemPath = (Desktop, StartMenu, Programs, Startup, Personal, AppData, Fonts, SendTo, Recent, Favorites, Cache, Cookies, History, NetHood, PrintHood, Templates, LocADat, WindRoot, WindSys, TempPath, RootDir, ProgFiles, ComFiles, ConfigPath, DevicePath, MediaPath, WallPaper); function GetSystemPath(SystemPath: TSystemPath): string; var ph: PChar; begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\' + 'Explorer\Shell Folders', True); case SystemPath of Desktop: Result := ReadString('Desktop'); StartMenu: Result := ReadString('Start Menu'); Programs: Result := ReadString('Programs'); Startup: Result := ReadString('Startup'); Personal: Result := ReadString('Personal'); AppData: Result := ReadString('AppData'); Fonts: Result := ReadString('Fonts'); SendTo: Result := ReadString('SendTo'); Recent: Result := ReadString('Recent'); Favorites: Result := ReadString('Favorites'); Cache: Result := ReadString('Cache'); Cookies: Result := ReadString('Cookies'); History: Result := ReadString('History'); NetHood: Result := ReadString('NetHood'); PrintHood: Result := ReadString('PrintHood'); Templates: Result := ReadString('Templates'); LocADat: Result := ReadString('Local AppData'); WindRoot: begin GetMem(ph, 255); GetWindowsDirectory(ph, 254); Result := Strpas(ph); Freemem(ph); end; WindSys: begin GetMem(ph, 255); GetSystemDirectory(ph, 254); Result := Strpas(ph); Freemem(ph); end; TempPath: begin GetMem(ph, 255); GetTempPath(254, ph); Result := Strpas(ph); Freemem(ph); end; RootDir: begin GetMem(ph, 255); GetSystemDirectory(ph, 254); Result := (Copy(Strpas(ph), 1, 2)); Freemem(ph); end; end; RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion', True); case SystemPath of ProgFiles: Result := ReadString('ProgramFilesDir'); ComFiles: Result := ReadString('CommonFilesDir'); ConfigPath: Result := ReadString('ConfigPath'); DevicePath: Result := ReadString('DevicePath'); MediaPath: Result := ReadString('MediaPath'); WallPaper: Result := ReadString('WallPaperDir'); end; finally CloseKey; Free; end; if (Result '') and (Result[Length(Result)] '\') then Result := Result + '\'; end; //Use procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin label1.Caption := GetSystemPath(DevicePath); end;