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Extract Icons from .exe, .dll, .lnk (Windows Shortcut file)

Title: Extract Icons from .exe, .dll, .lnk (Windows Shortcut file) Question: Extract icons contained in EXE / DLL files; the icon of a shortcut or icons contained in the target EXE Answer: The following code snippet could be used ,as suggested above, to extract icons contained in EXE / DLL files; the icon of a shortcut or icons contained in the target EXE the shortcut points to. The following procedure 'ExtractFromLNK' extracts whatever icon an application/user might have chosen to associate with a shortcut. Call this function to extract shortcut icon, or the function 'ExtractIcon' to extract icons from any EXE/DLL. Both functions return the number of icons extracted and save them to the destination folder. -------------------- function ExtractFromLNK(srcPath,destPath : String) : Integer; var lnk : string; Iico : PWORD; ico : TIcon; hic : hicon; begin {0} getmem(Iico,sizeof(word)); lnk := srcPath; Iico^ := 0; ico := ticon.create; hic := extractassociatedicon(Hinstance,pchar(lnk),Iico^); try {1} ico.h1andle := hic; drawicon(ico.handle,0,0,hic); if not(ico.Empty) then ico.savetofile(destPath+changefileext(extractFileName(srcPath),'')+inttostr(iico^)+'.ico'); finally freemem(iico,sizeof(word));; end; {1} result := 1; end; {0} ----------------------------------------- The function 'ExtractIcon' returns the number of icons found in the expected file and saves the icons extracted in the destination folder specified function ExtractIcon(srcPath , destPath : String) : Integer; var pTemp , phiconlarge , phIconSmall : ^HICON; i, iconCount : integer; ico : TIcon; begin {0} phiconlarge := nil; phIconSmall := nil; destPath := includetrailingbackslash(destPath); if extractfileext(srcPath) = '.lnk' then result := ExtractFromLNK(srcPath,destPath); else {1} begin iconCount := extracticonEx(pchar(srcPath),-1,phiconlarge^,phIconSmall^,0); result := iconCount; if iconcount = 0 then exit; getmem(phiconlarge,sizeof(HICON)*iconCount); ico := TIcon.create; pTemp := phiconLarge; try {2} extracticonEx(pchar(srcPath),0,phiconlarge^,phIconSmall^,iconCount); for i:= 0 to iconcount - 1 do begin {3} ico.Handle := phiconlarge^; drawicon(ico.handle,0,0,ico.handle); if not(ico.Empty) then ico.savetofile(destPath+changefileext(extractFileName(srcPath),'')+inttostr(i)+'.ico'); inc(phiconlarge); end; {3} finally phiconLarge := pTemp; freemem(phiconlarge,sizeof(HICON)*iconCount);; end; {2} end; {1} end;{0} --------------- The icons saved are large icons(usually 32 X 32), but the idea above applies equally well to small icons (16 X 16 , 12 X 12)as well - use 'phIconSmall' with a little modification. Also saving the icons to a destination directory (which could be input using 'selectdirectory' / 'SHBrowseForFolder' API calls) is just one option, another option could be to collate all icons into a single bitmap - this is very simple (use the Imagelist component on the Win32 tab) The code above has been reasonably tested but not comprehensively; if anyone encounters any problems please report that to me and I 'll be more than happy to sort that out. Besides, the idea is just to demonstrate the working of the ExtracticonEx API call, the snippet is not meant to serve as a template for practise of code writing Regards Prashant