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Title: EasyToolBar Question: This article contains the unit EasyToolBar. This toolbar simulates the Office 2003 toolbars. NOTE! You need the other posts to be able to compile this components. You must disable the Compiled Resources (*.dcr) to compile this components. I'll send the dcr's to the admins and tell them to attach them. Answer: Unit EasyToolBar; Interface Uses Classes, Controls, Graphics, Windows, Messages, Forms, EasyToolBarButtons, Menus; Type TEasyToolBar = Class(TCustomControl) Private { Private declarations } fOwner : TComponent; fParent : TWinControl; fImages : TImageList; fDirection : TTileMode; fPopupMenu : TPopupMenu; Procedure SetImages(NewImages: TImageList); Procedure SetDirection(NewDirection: TTileMode); Procedure SetPopupMenu(NewPopupMenu: TPopupMenu); Procedure DrawBackground; Procedure DrawMoveGrip; Procedure DrawDropDownMenu; Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override; Procedure Resize; override; Procedure Paint; override; Published { Published declarations } Property Align; Property Color; Property ParentColor; // Property DockSite; Property DragCursor; Property DragKind; Property DragMode; Property Enabled; Property TabStop; Property TabOrder; Property Direction: TTileMode read fDirection write SetDirection; Property Images: TImageList read fImages write SetImages; Property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu read fPopupMenu write SetPopupMenu; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Uses EasyGraphicsFunctions; {$R *.dcr} Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('EasyWare - Visual', [TEasyToolBar]); End; Constructor TEasyToolBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csOpaque, csAcceptsControls, csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csDoubleClicks]; fOwner := AOwner; fParent := NIL; fImages := NIL; fDirection := tbHorizontal; fPopupMenu := NIL; Width := 150; Height := 25; Align := alTop; ParentColor := True; DoubleBuffered := True; End; Destructor TEasyToolBar.Destroy; Begin Inherited Destroy; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.DrawBackground; Begin IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Begin DrawFadedBar( Canvas, Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), (fDirection = tbVertical), RGB(221, 236, 254), RGB(129, 169, 226) ); End Else Begin DrawFadedBarEx( Canvas, Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), (fDirection = tbVertical), RGB(221, 236, 254), RGB(129, 169, 226) ); { // Bottom DrawFadedBar( Canvas, Rect(0, ClientHeight-5, ClientWidth, ClientHeight-2), (fDirection = tbVertical), RGB(149, 184, 233), RGB(129, 169, 226) ); // Middle DrawFadedBar( Canvas, Rect(0, 5, ClientWidth, ClientHeight-6), (fDirection = tbVertical), RGB(213, 231, 253), RGB(156, 189, 235) ); // Top DrawFadedBar( Canvas, Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, 4), (fDirection = tbVertical), RGB(221, 236, 254), RGB(215, 232, 253) ); } End; Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(59, 97, 156); IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Begin Canvas.MoveTo(ClientWidth-1, 0); Canvas.LineTo(ClientWidth-1, ClientHeight); End Else Begin Canvas.MoveTo(0, ClientHeight-1); Canvas.LineTo(ClientWidth, ClientHeight-1); End; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.DrawMoveGrip; Procedure DrawDot(X, Y: Integer); Begin Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Canvas.FillRect( Rect(X+1, Y+1, X+3, Y+3) ); Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(39, 65, 118); Canvas.FillRect( Rect(X, Y, X+2, Y+2) ); End; Var X, Y : Integer; Begin IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Begin X := 3; While (X Begin DrawDot(X, 3); Inc(X, 4); End; Canvas.Pixels[ClientWidth-1, 0] := Color; Canvas.Pixels[ClientWidth-2, 0] := RGB(189, 213, 250); Canvas.Pixels[ClientWidth-1, 1] := RGB(189, 213, 250); Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] := Color; Canvas.Pixels[0, 1] := Color; Canvas.Pixels[1, 1] := Color; End Else Begin Y := 3; While (Y Begin DrawDot(3, Y); Inc(Y, 4); End; Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] := Color; Canvas.Pixels[1, 0] := RGB(189, 213, 250); Canvas.Pixels[0, 1] := RGB(189, 213, 250); Canvas.Pixels[0, ClientHeight-1] := Color; Canvas.Pixels[0, ClientHeight-2] := Color; Canvas.Pixels[1, ClientHeight-1] := Color; End; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.DrawDropDownMenu; Var StartColor : TColor; EndColor : TColor; R, G, B : Real; Step_R : Real; Step_G : Real; Step_B : Real; Len : Integer; X, Y : Integer; PolyArray : Array[1..10] of TPoint; Begin IF (Assigned(fPopupMenu)) Then Begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Begin Canvas.FillRect( Rect(0, ClientHeight-5, ClientWidth, ClientHeight) ); End Else Begin Canvas.FillRect( Rect(ClientWidth-5, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight) ); End; IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Len := ClientWidth-1 Else Len := ClientHeight-1; IF (Len StartColor := RGB(117, 166, 241); EndColor := RGB(0, 53, 145); Step_R := (GetRValue(EndColor) - GetRValue(StartColor)) / Len; Step_G := (GetGValue(EndColor) - GetGValue(StartColor)) / Len; Step_B := (GetBValue(EndColor) - GetBValue(StartColor)) / Len; R := GetRValue(StartColor); G := GetGValue(StartColor); B := GetBValue(StartColor); X := 0; Y := 0; While (Len = 0) do Begin Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(Round(R), Round(G), Round(B)); IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Begin Y := ClientHeight-14; IF (X Else IF (X Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y); Canvas.LineTo(X, Y+11); End Else Begin X := ClientWidth-14; IF (Y Else IF (Y Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y); Canvas.LineTo(X+11, Y); End; Inc(X); Inc(Y); R := R + Step_R; G := G + Step_G; B := B + Step_B; Dec(Len); End; End Else IF (Align alClient) Then Begin Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear; Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; IF (fDirection = tbHorizontal) Then Begin PolyArray[1].x := ClientWidth-2; PolyArray[1].y := 0; PolyArray[2].x := ClientWidth-1; PolyArray[2].y := 1; PolyArray[3].x := ClientWidth; PolyArray[3].y := 2; PolyArray[4].x := ClientWidth; PolyArray[4].y := ClientHeight-3; PolyArray[5].x := ClientWidth-1; PolyArray[5].y := ClientHeight-2; PolyArray[6].x := ClientWidth-2; PolyArray[6].y := ClientHeight-1; PolyArray[7].x := ClientWidth-2; PolyArray[7].y := ClientHeight; PolyArray[8].x := ClientWidth; PolyArray[8].y := ClientHeight; PolyArray[9].x := ClientWidth; PolyArray[9].y := 0; PolyArray[10].x := ClientWidth-2; PolyArray[10].y := 0; Canvas.Polygon( PolyArray ); End Else Begin End; Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; End; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.Paint; Begin Inherited Paint; DrawBackground; DrawMoveGrip; DrawDropDownMenu; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.SetImages(NewImages: TImageList); Begin fImages := NewImages; Invalidate; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.SetDirection(NewDirection: TTileMode); Begin IF (fDirection NewDirection) Then Begin fDirection := NewDirection; Invalidate; End; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.SetPopupMenu(NewPopupMenu: TPopupMenu); Begin IF (fPopupMenu NewPopupMenu) Then Begin fPopupMenu := NewPopupMenu; Invalidate; End; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); Begin Inherited AdjustClientRect(Rect); IF (fDirection = tbVertical) Then Begin Rect.Left := 1; Rect.Top := 8; Rect.Right := ClientWidth-2; Rect.Bottom := ClientHeight-14;//-2; End Else Begin Rect.Left := 8; Rect.Top := 1; Rect.Right := ClientWidth-14;//-2; Rect.Bottom := ClientHeight-2; End; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.WMEraseBkGnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); Begin // Prevent erasing of the background... Message.Result := 1; End; Procedure TEasyToolBar.Resize; Begin End; End.