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Displaying Strings In Your System Tray

Title: Displaying Strings In Your System Tray Question: How Can I Display A String In My System Tray ?? Answer: Try This, It Will Convert Your String To A DIB, Then This DIB To An Icon, Again Into A Res. File Then Extract The Icon And Display It In The System Tray . Usage.... StringToIcon('This Is Made By Ruslan K. Abu Zant'); N.B DO NOT FORGET TO DESTROYOBJECT(HIcon) When You Finish Your Job... Have Fun unit MainForm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Image1: TImage; Timer1: TTimer; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private function StringToIcon (const st : string) : HIcon; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} type ICONIMAGE = record Width, Height, Colors : DWORD; // Width, Height and bpp lpBits : PChar; // ptr to DIB bits dwNumBytes : DWORD; // how many bytes? lpbi : PBitmapInfoHeader; // ptr to header lpXOR : PChar; // ptr to XOR image bits lpAND : PChar; // ptr to AND image bits end; function CopyColorTable (var lpTarget : BITMAPINFO; const lpSource : BITMAPINFO) : boolean; var dc : HDC; hPal : HPALETTE; pe : array [0..255] of PALETTEENTRY; i : Integer; begin result := False; case (lpTarget.bmiHeader.biBitCount) of 8 : if lpSource.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 then begin Move (lpSource.bmiColors, lpTarget.bmiColors, 256 * sizeof (RGBQUAD)); result := True end else begin dc := GetDC (0); if dc 0 then try hPal := CreateHalftonePalette (dc); if hPal 0 then try if GetPaletteEntries (hPal, 0, 256, pe) 0 then begin for i := 0 to 255 do begin lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbRed := pe [i].peRed; lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbGreen := pe [i].peGreen; lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbBlue := pe [i].peBlue; lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbReserved := pe [i].peFlags end; result := True end finally DeleteObject (hPal) end finally ReleaseDC (0, dc) end end; 4 : if lpSource.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 4 then begin Move (lpSource.bmiColors, lpTarget.bmiColors, 16 * sizeof (RGBQUAD)); result := True end else begin hPal := GetStockObject (DEFAULT_PALETTE); if (hPal 0) and (GetPaletteEntries (hPal, 0, 16, pe) 0) then begin for i := 0 to 15 do begin lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbRed := pe [i].peRed; lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbGreen := pe [i].peGreen; lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbBlue := pe [i].peBlue; lpTarget.bmiColors [i].rgbReserved := pe [i].peFlags end; result := True end end; 1: begin i := 0; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbRed := 0; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbGreen := 0; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbBlue := 0; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbReserved := 0; i := 1; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbRed := 255; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbGreen := 255; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbBlue := 255; lpTarget.bmiColors[i].rgbReserved := 0; result := True end; else result := True end end; function WidthBytes (bits : DWORD) : DWORD; begin result := ((bits + 31) shr 5) shl 2 end; function BytesPerLine (const bmih : BITMAPINFOHEADER) : DWORD; begin result := WidthBytes (bmih.biWidth * bmih.biPlanes * bmih.biBitCount) end; function DIBNumColors (const lpbi : BitmapInfoHeader) : word; var dwClrUsed : DWORD; begin dwClrUsed := lpbi.biClrUsed; if dwClrUsed 0 then result := Word (dwClrUsed) else case lpbi.biBitCount of 1 : result := 2; 4 : result := 16; 8 : result := 256 else result := 0 end end; function PaletteSize (const lpbi : BitmapInfoHeader) : word; begin result := DIBNumColors (lpbi) * sizeof (RGBQUAD) end; function FindDIBBits (const lpbi : BitmapInfo) : PChar; begin result := @lpbi; result := result + lpbi.bmiHeader.biSize + PaletteSize (lpbi.bmiHeader) end; function ConvertDIBFormat (var lpSrcDIB : BITMAPINFO; nWidth, nHeight, nbpp : DWORD; bStretch : boolean) : PBitmapInfo; var lpbmi : PBITMAPINFO; lpSourceBits, lpTargetBits : Pointer; DC, hSourceDC, hTargetDC : HDC; hSourceBitmap, hTargetBitmap, hOldTargetBitmap, hOldSourceBitmap : HBITMAP; dwSourceBitsSize, dwTargetBitsSize, dwTargetHeaderSize : DWORD; begin result := Nil; // Allocate and fill out a BITMAPINFO struct for the new DIB // Allow enough room for a 256-entry color table, just in case dwTargetHeaderSize := sizeof ( BITMAPINFO ) + ( 256 * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) ); GetMem (lpbmi, dwTargetHeaderSize); try lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER); lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biWidth := nWidth; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biHeight := nHeight; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biBitCount := nbpp; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := 0; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter := 0; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter := 0; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 0; lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biClrImportant := 0; // Fill in the color table if CopyColorTable (lpbmi^, lpSrcDIB) then begin DC := GetDC (0); hTargetBitmap := CreateDIBSection (DC, lpbmi^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, lpTargetBits, 0, 0 ); hSourceBitmap := CreateDIBSection (DC, lpSrcDIB, DIB_RGB_COLORS, lpSourceBits, 0, 0 ); try if (dc 0) and (hTargetBitmap 0) and (hSourceBitmap 0) then begin hSourceDC := CreateCompatibleDC (DC); hTargetDC := CreateCompatibleDC (DC); try if (hSourceDC 0) and (hTargetDC 0) then begin // Flip the bits on the source DIBSection to match the source DIB dwSourceBitsSize := DWORD (lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biHeight) * BytesPerLine(lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader); dwTargetBitsSize := DWORD (lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biHeight) * BytesPerLine(lpbmi^.bmiHeader); Move (FindDIBBits (lpSrcDIB)^, lpSourceBits^, dwSourceBitsSize ); // Select DIBSections into DCs hOldSourceBitmap := SelectObject( hSourceDC, hSourceBitmap ); hOldTargetBitmap := SelectObject( hTargetDC, hTargetBitmap ); try if (hOldSourceBitmap 0) and (hOldTargetBitmap 0) then begin // Set the color tables for the DIBSections if lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biBitCount SetDIBColorTable (hSourceDC, 0, 1 shl lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biBitCount, lpSrcDIB.bmiColors ); if lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biBitCount SetDIBColorTable (hTargetDC, 0, 1 shl lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biBitCount, lpbmi^.bmiColors ); // If we are asking for a straight copy, do it if (lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biWidth = lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biWidth) and (lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biHeight = lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biHeight) then BitBlt (hTargetDC, 0, 0, lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biWidth, lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biHeight, hSourceDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) else if bStretch then begin SetStretchBltMode (hTargetDC, COLORONCOLOR); StretchBlt (hTargetDC, 0, 0, lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biWidth, lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biHeight, hSourceDC, 0, 0, lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biWidth, lpSrcDIB.bmiHeader.biHeight, SRCCOPY ) end else BitBlt (hTargetDC, 0, 0, lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biWidth, lpbmi^.bmiHeader.biHeight, hSourceDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); GDIFlush; GetMem (result, Integer (dwTargetHeaderSize + dwTargetBitsSize)); Move (lpbmi^, result^, dwTargetHeaderSize); Move (lpTargetBits^, FindDIBBits (result^)^, dwTargetBitsSize) end finally if hOldSourceBitmap 0 then SelectObject (hSourceDC, hOldSourceBitmap); if hOldTargetBitmap 0 then SelectObject (hTargetDC, hOldTargetBitmap); end end finally if hSourceDC 0 then DeleteDC (hSourceDC); if hTargetDC 0 then DeleteDC (hTargetDC) end end; finally if hTargetBitmap 0 then DeleteObject (hTargetBitmap); if hSourceBitmap 0 then DeleteObject (hSourceBitmap); if dc 0 then ReleaseDC (0, dc) end end finally FreeMem (lpbmi) end end; function DIBToIconImage (var lpii : ICONIMAGE; var lpDIB : BitmapInfo; bStretch : boolean) : boolean; var lpNewDIB : PBitmapInfo; begin result := False; lpNewDIB := ConvertDIBFormat (lpDIB, lpii.Width, lpii.Height, lpii.Colors, bStretch ); if Assigned (lpNewDIB) then try lpii.dwNumBytes := sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) // Header + PaletteSize (lpNewDIB^.bmiHeader) // Palette + lpii.Height * BytesPerLine (lpNewDIB^.bmiHeader)// XOR mask + lpii.Height * WIDTHBYTES (lpii.Width); // AND mask // If there was already an image here, free it if lpii.lpBits Nil then FreeMem (lpii.lpBits); GetMem (lpii.lpBits, lpii.dwNumBytes); Move (lpNewDib^, lpii.lpBits^, sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) + PaletteSize (lpNewDIB^.bmiHeader)); // Adjust internal pointers/variables for new image lpii.lpbi := PBITMAPINFOHEADER (lpii.lpBits); lpii.lpbi^.biHeight := lpii.lpbi^.biHeight * 2; lpii.lpXOR := FindDIBBits (PBitmapInfo (lpii.lpbi)^); Move (FindDIBBits (lpNewDIB^)^, lpii.lpXOR^, lpii.Height * BytesPerLine (lpNewDIB^.bmiHeader)); lpii.lpAND := lpii.lpXOR + lpii.Height * BytesPerLine (lpNewDIB^.bmiHeader); Fillchar (lpii.lpAnd^, lpii.Height * WIDTHBYTES (lpii.Width), $00); result := True finally FreeMem (lpNewDIB) end end; function TForm1.StringToIcon (const st : string) : HIcon; var memDC : HDC; bmp : HBITMAP; oldObj : HGDIOBJ; rect : TRect; size : TSize; infoHeaderSize : DWORD; imageSize : DWORD; infoHeader : PBitmapInfo; icon : IconImage; oldFont : HFONT; begin result := 0; memDC := CreateCompatibleDC (0); if memDC 0 then try bmp := CreateCompatibleBitmap (Canvas.Handle, 16, 16); if bmp 0 then try oldObj := SelectObject (memDC, bmp); if oldObj 0 then try rect.Left := 0; := 0; rect.Right := 16; rect.Bottom := 16; SetTextColor (memDC, RGB (255, 0, 0)); SetBkColor (memDC, RGB (128, 128, 128)); oldFont := SelectObject (memDC, font.Handle); GetTextExtentPoint32 (memDC, PChar (st), Length (st), size); ExtTextOut (memDC, (rect.Right - div 2, (rect.Bottom - div 2, ETO_OPAQUE, @rect, PChar (st), Length (st), Nil); SelectObject (memDC, oldFont); GDIFlush; GetDibSizes (bmp, infoHeaderSize, imageSize); GetMem (infoHeader, infoHeaderSize + ImageSize); try GetDib (bmp, SystemPalette16, infoHeader^, PChar (DWORD (infoHeader) + infoHeaderSize)^); icon.Colors := 4; icon.Width := 32; icon.Height := 32; icon.lpBits := Nil; if DibToIconImage (icon, infoHeader^, True) then try result := CreateIconFromResource (PByte (icon.lpBits), icon.dwNumBytes, True, $00030000); Finally FreeMem (icon.lpBits) end finally FreeMem (infoHeader) end finally SelectObject (memDC, oldOBJ) end finally DeleteObject (bmp) end finally DeleteDC (memDC) end end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Application.Icon.Handle := StringToIcon ('0'); Timer1.Enabled := True; Button1.Enabled := False; end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); const i : Integer = 0; begin Inc (i); if i = 100 then i := 1; Application.Icon.Handle := StringToIcon (IntToStr (i)); end; end.