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Categories / Delphi / System

Determining if a logical drive exists

Title: Determining if a logical drive exists Question: How to know if there is a drive assigned to a letter. Answer: You can use the API GetLogicalDrives to get the logical drives present in the system. This function returns a 32-bit value where the bits represent the logical units. For example: +---------------------------------- bit 31 (most significant bit) | +--- bit 0 (least significant bit) | | 00000000000000000000000000101101 | |||||||| | |||||||+--- 1 == Drive A: present | ||||||+---- 0 == Drive B: absent | |||||+----- 1 == Drive C: present | ||||+------ 1 == Drive D: present | |||+------- 0 == Drive E: absent | ||+-------- 1 == Drive F: present | |+--------- 0 == Drive G: absent | +---------- 0 == Drive H: absent | : : : +---------------------------- 0 == Drive Z: absent To get the bit mask corresponding to a drive letter in order to test the result of GetLogicalDrives, we can use the following expression: 1 Shl (Ord(DriveLetter) - Ord('A')) For example, if DriveLetter was 'D', the result of this expression would be: 1 shl (Ord('D') - Ord('A')) = 1 shl (68 - 65) = 1 shl 3 = 8 In binary: 00000000000000000000000000001000 A bitwise And between the mask and the result of GetLogicalDrives will be zero if bit 3 isn't set (i.e. if drive D: isn't a valid logical drive). All right then, let's get to the function: uses Windows; function IsLogicalDrive(Drive: string): boolean; var sDrive: string; cDrive: char; begin sDrive := ExtractFileDrive(Drive); if sDrive = '' then Result := False else begin cDrive := UpCase(sDrive[1]); if cDrive in ['A'..'Z'] then result := (GetLogicalDrives And (1 Shl (Ord(cDrive) - Ord('A')))) 0 else Result := False; end; end; Sample call: if not IsLogicalDrive(Edit1.Text) then ShowMessage(Format('"%s" is not a valid drive.', [ExtractFileDrive(Edit1.Text)]));