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Determine If the Workstation Is Locked

Title: Determine If the Workstation Is Locked Question: How can I Determine If the Workstation Is Locked? Answer: The SwitchDesktop function makes a desktop visible and activates it. This enables the desktop to receive input from the user. The calling process must have DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP access to the desktop for the SwitchDesktop function to succeed. A call to the OpenDesktop API (using the DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP flag), followed by a call to the SwitchDesktop API (using the handle returned by OpenDesktop) will determine which condition (Locked or not locked) exists (in Windows 2000 or XP), function IsWorkstationLocked: Boolean; var hDesktop: HDESK; begin Result := False; hDesktop := OpenDesktop('default', 0, False, DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP); if hDesktop 0 then begin Result := not SwitchDesktop(hDesktop); CloseDesktop(hDesktop); end; end;