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Categories / Delphi / System

Desktop, quick launch veya start menude kisa yol yaratmak

{ uses bolumune asagidaki unit'leri ekleyin: ShlObj, ComObj, ActiveX, registry } type TShortCutLocation = (slDesktop, slStartMenu, slQuickLaunch); TShortCutLocations = set of TShortCutLocation; procedure CreateShortCut(Description, ApplicationPath, StartFolder: string; Locations: TShortCutLocations); var MyObject : IUnknown; MySLink : IShellLink; MyPFile : IPersistFile; Directory : string; WFileName : WideString; MyReg : TRegIniFile; begin MyObject := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink); MySLink := MyObject as IShellLink; MyPFile := MyObject as IPersistFile; with MySLink do begin { Parametreler icin kullanilabilir: SetArguments(PChar(ApplicationPath)); } MySLink.SetPath(PChar(ApplicationPath)); SetRelativePath(PChar(StartFolder),0); SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(StartFolder)); SetDescription(PChar(Description)); SetIconLocation(PChar(ApplicationPath),0); end; MyReg := TRegIniFile.Create('Software\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer'); // Desktop'a kisa yol olusturmak icin } if slDesktop in Locations then begin Directory := MyReg.ReadString('Shell Folders','Desktop',''); WFileName := Directory+ '\' + Description + '.lnk'; MyPFile.Save(PWChar(WFileName),False); end; //Start Menu icin if slStartMenu in Locations then begin Directory := MyReg.ReadString('Shell Folders','Programs',''); { Alt Klasörde olusturmak icin: Directory = Directory + '\KlasorAdi'; CreateDir(Directory); } WFileName := Directory+ '\' + Description + '.lnk'; MyPFile.Save(PWChar(WFileName),False); end; // QuickLaunch icin if slQuickLaunch in Locations then begin Directory := MyReg.ReadString('Shell Folders','Appdata',''); WFileName := Directory + '\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\' + Description + '.lnk'; MyPFile.Save(PWChar(WFileName),False); end; MyReg.Free; end; // Kullanimi: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Desktop, Start Menu ve Quick Launch'da olustur CreateShortCut('Not defteri', 'c:\windows\notepad.exe', 'c:\windows\', [slDesktop, slStartMenu, slQuickLaunch]); // Sadece Desktop ve Quick Launch'da olustur CreateShortCut('Not defteri', 'c:\windows\notepad.exe', 'c:\windows\', [slDesktop, slQuickLaunch]); end;