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Date aritmetic, using a TDateTimePicker Component

Title: Date aritmetic, using a TDateTimePicker Component Question: Some jobs need to be done 24 hours a day. Generally in this case there are 4 crews ,which have an alternate day, evening and night shift. A typical shift patern would be: 5 morning - 1 free day - 5 evening - 2 free days - 5 night - 2 free days, totalling a work cyclus of 20 days. Problem: how does a shift worker could know his assignment on a future date ? Answer: Approach: First we have to map the schedule from a reference date, until we got the same patern. In this case we will need a small database with 20 records (reference 0 --- 19) ref A B C D 0 4M 3E 1N free 1 5M 4E 2N free 2 free 5E 3N 1M 3 1E free 4N 2M 4 2E free 5N 3M 5 3E 1N free 4M 6 4E 2N free 5M 7 5E 3N 1M free 8 free 4N 2M 1E 9 free 5N 3M 2E etc.. LEGEND 4M = fourth morning shift 1E = first evening shift 2N = second night shift free = off day To find the assignment on a certain day: 1) Calculate the difference between the future day and the reference day 2) Calculate the mod of the difference and 20 x = diff mod 20 3) Look Up x in the ref column in the table to find the assignment for each shift (This is done with a parameterized query) Components used TDateTimePicker TQuery TDataSource TDBGrid 2x TLabel SQL property of query1: Select A, B, C, D from "Working.DB" Working where Ref =: val I used here a paradox table Activate the OnChange and the OncloseUp events of the DateTimepicker to fire the query ----------------------------------------------- unit ShiftMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Db, DBTables, ComCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Future: TDateTimePicker; Query1: TQuery; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; DataSource1: TDataSource; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FutureChange(Sender: TObject); procedure CalcDates; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Days, x : integer; temp : string; RefDate :TDate; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure Tform1.CalcDates; Begin Days := Round ( - refdate); str(Days , temp); label1.Caption := 'Difference = '+temp + ' days'; x := Days mod 20; str(x, temp); label2.Caption := 'rest = '+temp + ' days'; // search for x in the data base with Query1 do begin Close; ParamByName('val').AsInteger := X; Open; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Refdate := 36891; // 31 december 2000 is the reference date CalcDates; end; procedure TForm1.FutureChange(Sender: TObject); begin CalcDates; end; end. With some modifications the code also can be used to generate a printed Shift schedule for a given period.