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Creating a simple Icon Handler for the Windows Explorer

Title: Creating a simple Icon Handler for the Windows Explorer Question: Some of you might have wondered how automatically every Icon file automatically displays its own icon in the windows explorer. Especially some design and paint applications use this possibility to show the content of a file rather than the same icon for all of them. Answer: Getting across the point This article shows you how to create a simple icon handler for windows text (*.txt) files that will display the first characters rather than the default icon. Default view Text icons using Icon Handler The sample given here will only show you the outline of such a project, but this should be sufficient to get you started on your journey. The Icon handler will create large icons only, so the explorer will shrink them rather ugly. However, it is rather simple to extend the functionality. Getting started We'll have to create an in-process server DLL that will export the interfaces IExtractIcon and IPersistFile. Most of the methods we need to declare do not need to be actually implemented, because they are never used. We will simply return E_NOTIMPL for these methods. All we have to do is to provide handling for three of the methods. Load The Windows Explorer will pass along the file name of the file we have to create the icon for. We'll simple save the name in a variable. GetIconLocation We'll tell the Windows Explorer that it must call yet another procedure, because we must create the icon from scratch. Further we set some flags for caching and similar handling. Extract That's were we actually create the Icon. First we extract the desired size of the icon. Next, we create the bitmaps for the AND mask and the XOR mask. On the XOR mask we will write up to the first 3 lines of text from the text file. This does not really give a preview, however it shows the point for custom icons. Last we are going to tell windows to create the icon desired and return it to the explorer. And we are done. Registering the Icon Handler First we will have to access the Registry. Assuming that your Text files will point to the entry HKCR\txtfile we will first back-up the old icon handler (key: DefaultIcon) and then set the new one. Further we register the IconHandler (Key: ShellEx\IconHandler). That's it. To simplify the task of registering/deregistering the icon handler I have created a new class that is derived from TTypedComObjectFactory. There I'll simple override the method UpdateRegistry and we are done. You can either register the DLL directly from Delphi or simply use Windows RegSvr32 utility. Create your project Create a new ACTIVE X library, add a type library to it and create a COM Object and name it TxtIcon. Finally paste the code below into the TxtIcon unit and compile it. Note You may have to restart the computer (or the Windows Explorer using the Task Manager) to see the changes take effect. You can simply download the code using this link. THE CODE unit TxtIcon; interface uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, ComObj, TxtViewer_TLB, StdVcl, ShlObj; type TTxtIcon = class(TTypedComObject, ITxtIcon, IExtractIcon, IPersistFile) private FCurrFile: WideString; protected {Declare ITxtIcon methods here} // IExtractIcon function GetIconLocation(uFlags: UINT; szIconFile: PAnsiChar; cchMax: UINT; out piIndex: Integer; out pwFlags: UINT): HResult; stdcall; function Extract(pszFile: PAnsiChar; nIconIndex: UINT; out phiconLarge, phiconSmall: HICON; nIconSize: UINT): HResult; stdcall; // IPersist function GetClassID(out classID: TCLSID): HResult; stdcall; // IPersistFile function IsDirty: HResult; stdcall; function Load(pszFileName: POleStr; dwMode: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function Save(pszFileName: POleStr; fRemember: BOOL): HResult; stdcall; function SaveCompleted(pszFileName: POleStr): HResult; stdcall; function GetCurFile(out pszFileName: POleStr): HResult; stdcall; end; TIconHandlerFactory = class(TTypedComObjectFactory) protected public procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); override; end; implementation uses SysUtils, ComServ, Graphics, Registry; { TTxtIcon } function TTxtIcon.Extract(pszFile: PAnsiChar; nIconIndex: UINT; out phiconLarge, phiconSmall: HICON; nIconSize: UINT): HResult; var IconSize, I: Integer; MaskAnd, MaskXor: TBitmap; IconInfo: TIconInfo; SL: TStringList; begin // draw the large icon IconSize := Lo(nIconSize); // create and prepare AND mask MaskAnd := TBitmap.Create; try MaskAnd.Monochrome := true; MaskAnd.Width := IconSize; MaskAnd.Height := IconSize; MaskAnd.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; MaskAnd.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, IconSize, IconSize)); // create and prepare XOR mask MaskXor := TBitmap.Create; try MaskXor.Width := IconSize; MaskXor.Height := IconSize; MaskXor.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; MaskXor.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, IconSize, IconSize)); MaskXor.Canvas.Font.Color := clNavy; // load file SL := TStringList.Create; try try SL.LoadFromFile(FCurrFile); I := 0; // paint up to three lines of text onto the canvas while (I and (I do begin MaskXor.Canvas.TextOut(0, I * 15, SL.Strings[I]); Inc(I); end; except // user may not have access rights MaskXor.Canvas.TextOut(0, 0, '???'); end; finally SL.Free; end; // create icon for explorer IconInfo.fIcon := true; IconInfo.xHotspot := 0; IconInfo.yHotspot := 0; IconInfo.hbmMask := MaskAnd.Handle; IconInfo.hbmColor := MaskXor.Handle; // return large icon phiconLarge := CreateIconIndirect(IconInfo); // signal success Result := S_OK; finally MaskAnd.Free; end; finally MaskXor.Free; end; end; function TTxtIcon.GetClassID(out classID: TCLSID): HResult; begin classID := CLASS_TxtIcon; Result := S_OK; end; function TTxtIcon.GetCurFile(out pszFileName: POleStr): HResult; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; function TTxtIcon.GetIconLocation(uFlags: UINT; szIconFile: PAnsiChar; cchMax: UINT; out piIndex: Integer; out pwFlags: UINT): HResult; begin piIndex := 0; pwFlags := GIL_DONTCACHE or GIL_NOTFILENAME or GIL_PERINSTANCE; Result := S_OK; end; function TTxtIcon.IsDirty: HResult; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; function TTxtIcon.Load(pszFileName: POleStr; dwMode: Integer): HResult; begin FCurrFile := pszFileName; Result := S_OK; end; function TTxtIcon.Save(pszFileName: POleStr; fRemember: BOOL): HResult; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; function TTxtIcon.SaveCompleted(pszFileName: POleStr): HResult; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; { TIconHandlerFactory } procedure TIconHandlerFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); var ClsID: string; begin ClsID := GUIDToString(ClassID); inherited UpdateRegistry(Register); if Register then begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if OpenKey('txtfile\DefaultIcon', True) then try WriteString('backup', ReadString('')); WriteString('', '%1'); finally CloseKey; end; if OpenKey('txtfile\shellex\IconHandler', True) then try WriteString('', ClsID); finally CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; end else begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if OpenKey('txtfile\DefaultIcon', True) then try if ValueExists('backup') then begin WriteString('', ReadString('backup')); DeleteValue('backup'); end; finally CloseKey; end; if OpenKey('txtfile\shellex', True) then try if KeyExists('IconHandler') then DeleteKey('IconHandler'); finally CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; end; end; initialization TIconHandlerFactory.Create( ComServer, TTxtIcon, Class_TxtIcon, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment ); end. This sample is brought to you by the German Delphi Forum! Daniel Wischnewski