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Controling Winamp from a Dll or Application

Title: Controling Winamp from a Dll or Application Question: Once i found a Mirc script wich was able to control Winamp (i never thought that that is possible). After a few weeks i found bugs in that script. So i thought about making my own script. But how? After a few Hours i found the way into Winamp and now if someone want to do the same here is the way in. Answer: uses Messages; function My_Cool_Function1_Name():Boolean; var hwndWinamp : THandle; begin hwndWinamp := FindWindow('Winamp v1.x', nil); // 1st step SendMessage(hwndWinamp,WM_COMMAND,40058,0); // 2nd step Result := True; end; means... 1st we get the Handle of Winamp 2nd we send a message to Winamp with one of the specified codes (40058 = Increase Volume) 3rd we have fun with the function .) If you want to send a WM_USER mesage to Winamp use something like this: uses Messages; function My_Cool_Function2_Name():Boolean; var hwndWinamp : THandle; begin hwndWinamp := FindWindow('Winamp v1.x', nil); SendMessage(hwndWinamp,WM_USER,0,120); Result := True; end; 120 = save the current playlist to Winampdir\winamp.m3u If Winamp issn`t running the messages run to /dev/null .) For the Control Codes go to It`s the first time i send an Article so don`t shoot me .)