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Comunicating two win services

Title: Comunicating two win services Question: How I can comunicate two Windows Services when they are logged with a different user than Local System? Answer: To comunicate two windows services logged with a different user than local system, you must include in the project a .pas file with the following code: (* ********************************************************* *) (* ********************************************************* *) unit mydsktop; interface function InitMyDesktop: boolean; procedure DoneMyDeskTop; implementation uses Windows, SysUtils; const DefaultWinStation = 'WinSta0'; DefaultDesktop = 'Default'; var hWinStaSave: HWINSTA; hDskSave: HDESK; hWinStaUs: HWINSTA; hDskUs: HDESK; (* ********************************************************* *) (* ********************************************************* *) function InitMyDesktop: boolean; var dwThrId: DWORD; begin dwThrId := GetCurrentThreadID(); hWinStaSave := GetProcessWindowStation(); hDskSave := GetThreadDesktop( dwThreadId ); hWinStaUs := OpenWindowStation( DefaultWindowStation, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); if ( hWinStaUs = 0 ) then begin OutputDebugString( PChar( SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ))); Result := false; exit; end; if ( not SetProcessWindowStation( hWinStaUs ) ) then begin OutputDebugString( 'SetProcessWindowStation failed' ); Result := false; exit; end; hDskUs := OpenDesktop( DefaultDesktop, 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); if ( hDskUs = 0 ) then begin OutputDebugString( 'OpenDesktop failed' ); SetProcessWindowStation( hWinStaSave ); CloseWindowStation( hWinStaUs ); Result := false; exit; end; Result := SetThreadDesktop( hDskUs ); if ( not Result ) then OutputDebugString( PChar( SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ))); end; (* ********************************************************* *) (* ********************************************************* *) procedure DoneMyDeskTop; begin SetThreadDesktop( hDskSave ); SetProcessWindowStation( hWinStaSave ); if ( hWinStaUs 0 ) then CloseWindowStation( hWinStaUs ); if ( hDskUs 0 ) then CloseDesktop( hDskUs ); end; (* ********************************************************* *) (* ********************************************************* *) initialization InitMyDesktop(); finalization DoneMyDesktop(); end. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: This file (mydsktop.pas) must be the first file in the uses session (in the project *.dpr file) to work as we need. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To send broadcast messages between services you must register the aplications (both services) with the function RegisterWindowMessage() !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (* ********************************************************* *) (* Service 1 *) (* ********************************************************* *) procedure TfrmMain.InitService; var wParam, lParam: integer; FMsgsID: DWORD; begin FMsgsID := RegisterWindowMessage( 'Service1' ); // To Register my Service1 wParam := 1000; lParam := 2000; SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, FMsgsID, wParam, lParam ); // To Send a message to Service2 wParam := 0; lParam := 1; SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, FMsgsID, wParam, lParam ); end; (* ********************************************************* *) (* To get broadcast messages you must override the *) (* DefaultHandler function. *) (* ********************************************************* *) procedure TfrmMain.DefaultHandler( var Message ) begin with TMessage( Message ) do begin // Service1 Register if ( ( wParam = 1000 ) and ( lParam = 2000 ) ) then Service1ID := Msg // Message from Service2 else if ( Msg = Service1ID ) then // Your code here ... end; end; (* ********************************************************* *) (* Service 2 *) (* ********************************************************* *) procedure TfrmMain.InitService; var wParam, lParam: integer; FMsgsID: DWORD; begin FMsgsID := RegisterWindowMessage( 'Service2' ); // To Register my Service2 wParam := 2000; lParam := 1000; SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, FMsgsID, wParam, lParam ); // To Send a message to Service1 wParam := 0; lParam := 1; SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, FMsgsID, wParam, lParam ); end; (* ********************************************************* *) (* To get broadcast messages you must override the *) (* DefaultHandler function. *) (* ********************************************************* *) procedure TfrmMain.DefaultHandler( var Message ) begin with TMessage( Message ) do begin // Service2 Register if ( ( wParam = 2000 ) and ( lParam = 1000 ) ) then Service2ID := Msg // Message from Service1 else if ( Msg = Service2ID ) then // Your code here ... end; end;