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Changing hard drives icon under Windows XP

Title: Changing hard drive's icon under Windows XP Question: How to change drive icon in My Computer under Windows XP? Answer: This article shows that how can changing a driver icon in MyComputer under WinXP. This modification is so different than Win9x and not easy. As you know that you have so many articles that just change some settings in the registry in D3K database, but the following registry codes are undocumanted and you don't see it normally in XP Registry. if you can want to change your hard driver icon then insert the following code into Button1's OnClick event. I hope this be usefull for someone. add Registry in USES clause procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Reg: TRegistry; begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; try with Reg do begin RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OpenKey ('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\', True); { True, because if a subkey named DriveIcons and/or DefaultIcon does not exist, windows automatically creates it } OpenKey('C\DefaultIcon\', True); // as default first drive C // we are choosing empty field as default value WriteString('', 'C:\YourIcons\Sample1.ico'); { and icon file path or if dll file then e.g 'c:\YourIcons\Icons.dll, 2' } CloseKey; end; finally Reg.Free; end; // if 2nd hard drive is present.. Reg := TRegistry.Create; try with Reg do begin RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OpenKey ('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\', True); OpenKey('D\DefaultIcon\', True); WriteString('', 'C:\YourIcons\Sample2.ico'); CloseKey; end; finally Reg.Free; end; end; in the same way, you can write these techniques for another drivers. Now, hard drive's icon have been changed. Press F5 on the keyboard or reboot for the changes to take effect.