Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / System

Change a users password for a specified network server or domain

function NetUserChangePassword(Domain: PWideChar; UserName: PWideChar; OldPassword: PWideChar; NewPassword: PWideChar): Longint; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll' Name 'NetUserChangePassword'; // Changes a user's password for a specified network server or domain. // Requirements: Windows NT/2000/XP // Windows 95/98/Me: You can use the PwdChangePassword function to change a user's // Windows logon password on these platforms procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin NetUserChangePassword(PWideChar(WideString('\\COMPUTER')), PWideChar(WideString('username')), PWideChar(WideString('oldpass')), PWideChar(WideString('newpass'))); end;