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Categories / Delphi / System

Call Procedures within a DLL

Title: Call Procedures within a DLL? // Call DLL Program (Normal Application Project) // This example calls a Quick Report within a DLL. // Author: Michael Casse. // 18-12-2001. unit uMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons; type TForm1 = class(TForm) btnClose: TBitBtn; btnReport: TBitBtn; procedure btnReportClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.btnReportClick(Sender: TObject); var LibHandle: THandle; fDisplaySampleReport: procedure; begin LibHandle := LoadLibrary('Report.dll'); if LibHandle = 0 then raise Exception.Create('Unable to Load DLL...') else begin try @fDisplaySampleReport := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'DisplaySampleReport'); if @fDisplaySampleReport nil then fDisplaySampleReport; // Invoke the Procedure within the DLL except on E: Exception do ShowMessage('Exception error: ' + E.Message); end; end; FreeLibrary(LibHandle); // Free Memory Allocated for the DLL end; end. //////////////////////////////////////////////// // DLL Project library Report; uses SysUtils, Classes, uReport in 'uReport.pas' {Form1}; procedure DisplaySampleReport; begin Form1 := TForm1.Create(nil); try Form1.QuickRep1.Preview; finally Form1.Free; end; end; exports DisplaySampleReport; end.