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Call isapi dll from application

Title: call isapi dll from application Question: how can i call isapi dll from delphi application ? Answer: {*******************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi 5 } { Web server applications } { } { How to call ISAPI DLL from application } { using GET method } { } { By Noamen BELHAJ BETTAIEB } { ( } { } {*******************************************************} { u have simply to do this : ISAPIManipulator:=TISAPIManipulator.Create (isapi_file_name,WebBrowser,[tmp_folder]); // initialize the object ISAPIManipulator.Navigate (pathinfo,params); // call the dll and save the response in a file == ISAPIManipulator.ResponseFileName is the name of the file where the response is saved where : isapi_file_name : full filename of your isapi WebBrowser : if u would like to view the response of your isapi this parameter can be set to nil tmp_folder : this parameter tells where the response of the dll will be saved. this parameter can be set to '', in this case, the response will be saved in the tmp folder (using the TMP Environment Variable) Note : the file is named like the dll (ex noamen_isapi.dll == noamen_isapi.html) pathinfo : must begin with '/' (ex : '/webaction1') params : param1=value1&param2=value2 ... } unit UManipISAPI; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,ISAPIApp,isapi2, StdCtrls,WebBroker,shdocvw,winsock,FileCtrl; type // fonctions provenant de la dll ISAPI THttpExtensionProc = function (var ECB: TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK): DWORD; stdcall ; TGetExtensionVersion = function (var Ver: THSE_VERSION_INFO): BOOL; stdcall ; TTerminateExtension = function (dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall ; TWriteClientProc = function (ConnID: HCONN;Buffer: Pointer;var Bytes: DWORD;dwReserved: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; TReadClientProc = function (ConnID: HCONN;Buffer: Pointer;var Size: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; TGetServerVariableProc = function (hConn: HCONN;VariableName: PChar;Buffer: Pointer;var Size: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; TServerSupportFunctionProc = function (hConn: HCONN;HSERRequest: DWORD;Buffer: Pointer;Size: LPDWORD;DataType: LPDWORD ): BOOL stdcall; TISAPIManipulator = class private hndDLLHandle: THandle; WebBrowser : TWebBrowser; HttpExtensionProc : THttpExtensionProc; GetExtensionVersion : TGetExtensionVersion; TerminateExtension : TTerminateExtension; ECB : TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK ; Ver : THSE_VERSION_INFO; InitialPathEnvVar : String; TmpFolder : String; public ResponseFileName : String; ISAPIFileName : String; ISAPIResponse : TStringList; procedure UpdatePathEnvVar (const newValue : String); procedure Navigate (const sPathInfo, sParams : String); constructor Create (const sISAPIFileName : String ; DefaultWebBorwser : TWebBrowser ; const sTmpFolder : String = ''); destructor Destroy ; end; function LocalWriteClient (ConnID: HCONN;Buffer: Pointer;var Bytes: DWORD;dwReserved: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; function LocalReadClientProc (ConnID: HCONN;Buffer: Pointer;var Size: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; function LocalGetServerVariableProc (hConn: HCONN;VariableName: PChar;Buffer: Pointer;var Size: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; function LocalServerSupportFunctionProc (hConn: HCONN;HSERRequest: DWORD;Buffer: Pointer;Size: LPDWORD;DataType: LPDWORD ): BOOL stdcall; function StringIndex (const SearchedExpr: string; Values : array of string) : Integer; procedure SetSrvVar (const VarName, VarValue : String); function GetSrvVarValue (const VarName:String):String; function GetSrvVarIndex (const VarName:String):Integer; const SrvVars_Names : array [0..23] of String = ( 'SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'URL', 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL', 'HTTP_DATE', 'HTTP_ACCEPT', 'HTTP_FROM', 'HTTP_HOST', 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', 'HTTP_REFERER', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING', 'CONTENT_TYPE', 'CONTENT_LENGTH', 'HTTP_CONTENT_VERSION', 'HTTP_DERIVED_FROM', 'HTTP_EXPIRES', 'HTTP_TITLE', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'REMOTE_HOST', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'SERVER_PORT', 'HTTP_CONNECTION', 'HTTP_COOKIE', 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'); var Response : TStringList; type MyPChar = array [0..2048] of Char; var SrvVars_Values : array of PChar ; { implmentation } implementation function GetLastSystemError : String; var Msg : PChar; begin Msg:=PChar(LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED,254)); FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,nil,GetLastError,0,Msg,254,nil); Result:=StrPas(Msg); end; function GetEnvVar (const sVarName : String):String; var Buff : PChar; begin Buff:=PChar(LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED,1024)); GetEnvironmentVariable (PChar(sVarName),Buff,1024); Result:=StrPas(Buff); end; function StringIndex (const SearchedExpr: string; Values : array of string) : Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := -1; for i := Low(Values) to High(Values) do if CompareText(SearchedExpr, Values[i])=0 then begin Result := i-Low(Values); exit; end; end; function Mygethostname (const bInitializing : Boolean = false) : String; var P:PChar; AData : WSADATA ; begin P:=PChar(LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED,1024)); if gethostname (P,1024)0 then begin P:=''; case WSAGetLastError of // WSAEFAULT : ShowMessage ('The name argument is not a valid part of the user address space, or the buffer size specified by namelen argument is too small to hold the complete host name.'); WSANOTINITIALISED : begin // ShowMessage ('A successful WSAStartup must occur before using this function.'); if not bInitializing then begin WSAStartup (1,AData); Result:=Mygethostname (true); exit; end; end; // WSAENETDOWN : ShowMessage ('The network subsystem has failed.'); // WSAEINPROGRESS : ShowMessage ('A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function.'); end; end; Result:=StrPas(P); end; procedure TISAPIManipulator.UpdatePathEnvVar (const newValue : String); begin SetEnvironmentVariable (PChar('PATH'),PChar(newValue)); end; procedure TISAPIManipulator.Navigate (const sPathInfo, sParams : String); begin ECB.lpszMethod:=PChar('GET'); // REQUEST_METHOD ECB.lpszQueryString:=PChar(sParams); // QUERY_STRING ECB.lpszPathInfo:=PChar(sPathInfo); // PATH_INFO ECB.lpszPathTranslated:=PChar(ExtractFilePath(ISAPIFileName)); // PATH_TRANSLATED ECB.lpszContentType:=PChar(''); // Content type of client data SetSrvVar('URL',ExtractFileName (ISAPIFileName)); SetSrvVar('SCRIPT_NAME',GetSrvVarValue('URL')); ECB.cbTotalBytes:=0; ECB.cbAvailable:=0; ECB.lpbData:=PChar(''); ECB.cbSize:=SizeOf (ECB); HttpExtensionProc (ECB); ISAPIResponse.Clear; ISAPIResponse.AddStrings(Response); if DirectoryExists (TmpFolder) then begin ResponseFileName:=TmpFolder+ExtractFileName(ChangeFileExt(ISAPIFileName,'.html')); ISAPIResponse.SaveToFile (ResponseFileName); end; if WebBrowsernil then begin WebBrowser.Navigate (ResponseFileName); end; end; destructor TISAPIManipulator.Destroy ; begin UpdatePathEnvVar (InitialPathEnvVar); TerminateExtension (0); freeLibrary (hndDLLHandle); ISAPIResponse.Free; inherited Destroy; end; constructor TISAPIManipulator.Create (const sISAPIFileName : String ; DefaultWebBorwser : TWebBrowser ; const sTmpFolder : String = ''); var LocalInitialPathEnvVar : String; begin if not FileExists (sISAPIFileName) then Raise Exception.Create ('DLL not found ..'); if CompareText ('.DLL',ExtractFileExt (sISAPIFileName))0 then Raise Exception.Create ('"'+sISAPIFileName+'" is not a valid DLL ..'); inherited Create; ISAPIFileName:=sISAPIFileName; ISAPIResponse:=TStringList.Create; WebBrowser:=DefaultWebBorwser; InitialPathEnvVar:=GetEnvVar ('path'); ResponseFileName:=''; TmpFolder:=sTmpFolder; if not DirectoryExists (TmpFolder) then begin TmpFolder:=GetEnvVar ('TMP'); end; if TmpFolder'' then if TmpFolder[length(TmpFolder)]'\' then TmpFolder:=TmpFolder+'\'; LocalInitialPathEnvVar:=InitialPathEnvVar; try if LocalInitialPathEnvVar'' then if LocalInitialPathEnvVar[length(LocalInitialPathEnvVar)]';' then LocalInitialPathEnvVar:=LocalInitialPathEnvVar+';'; UpdatePathEnvVar (LocalInitialPathEnvVar+ExtractShortPathName(ExtractFilePath(sISAPIFileName))); hndDLLHandle:=loadLibrary (PChar(ISAPIFileName)); if hndDLLHandle 0 then begin try // HttpExtensionProc @HttpExtensionProc := getProcAddress (hndDLLHandle,'HttpExtensionProc'); if addr (HttpExtensionProc) = nil then Raise Exception.Create ('"'+sISAPIFileName+'"'+' seems to be a non valid ISAPI DLL : '#13+ 'Function HttpExtensionProc not exists..'); // GetExtensionVersion @GetExtensionVersion := getProcAddress (hndDLLHandle,'GetExtensionVersion'); if addr (GetExtensionVersion) = nil then Raise Exception.Create ('"'+sISAPIFileName+'"'+' seems to be a non valid ISAPI DLL : '#13+ 'Function GetExtensionVersion not exists..'); // TerminateExtension @TerminateExtension := getProcAddress (hndDLLHandle,'TerminateExtension'); if addr (TerminateExtension) = nil then Raise Exception.Create ('"'+sISAPIFileName+'"'+' seems to be a non valid ISAPI DLL : '#13+ 'Function TerminateExtension not exists..'); except freeLibrary (hndDLLHandle); Raise; end; end else begin Raise Exception.Create ('DLL not found...'#13+GetLastSystemError); end; FillChar(Ver.lpszExtensionDesc,SizeOf(Ver.lpszExtensionDesc),0); GetExtensionVersion (Ver); ECB.dwVersion:=Ver.dwExtensionVersion; FillChar (ECB.lpszLogData,SizeOf (ECB.lpszLogData),0); ECB.lpszLogData:='log'; ECB.lpszMethod:=PChar('GET'); // REQUEST_METHOD ECB.WriteClient:=LocalWriteClient ; ECB.ReadClient:=LocalReadClientProc; ECB.GetServerVariable:=LocalGetServerVariableProc; ECB.ServerSupportFunction:=LocalServerSupportFunctionProc; except on E:Exception do begin UpdatePathEnvVar (InitialPathEnvVar); Raise Exception.Create (E.Message); end; end; end; function LocalWriteClient ( ConnID: HCONN;Buffer: Pointer;var Bytes: DWORD;dwReserved: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; Var S:WideString; begin Response.Clear; SetString(S, PChar(Buffer), bytes); // Response.Text:=StrPas(Buffer); Response.Text:=S; Result:=True; end; function LocalReadClientProc ( ConnID: HCONN;Buffer: Pointer;var Size: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; begin FillChar(Buffer,Size,0); Result:=True; end; function LocalGetServerVariableProc ( hConn: HCONN;VariableName: PChar;Buffer: Pointer;var Size: DWORD ): BOOL stdcall; var Index:Integer; begin Index:=GetSrvVarIndex (StrPas(VariableName)); if Index=-1 then exit; StrCopy (Buffer,SrvVars_Values[Index]); Size:=Length (SrvVars_Values[Index])+1; Result:=True; end; function LocalServerSupportFunctionProc ( hConn: HCONN;HSERRequest: DWORD;Buffer: Pointer;Size: LPDWORD;DataType: LPDWORD ): BOOL stdcall; begin Result:=True; end; procedure SetSrvVar (const VarName, VarValue : String); var Index:Integer; begin Index:=GetSrvVarIndex (VarName); if Index=-1 then exit; if low(SrvVars_Values)+IndexHigh(SrvVars_Values) then exit; StrCopy (SrvVars_Values[low(SrvVars_Values)+Index],PChar(VarValue)); // SrvVars_Values[low(SrvVars_Values)+Index]:=PChar(VarValue); end; function GetSrvVarValue (const VarName:String):String; var Index:Integer; begin Result:=''; Index:=GetSrvVarIndex (VarName); if not (Index in [low(SrvVars_Values)..High(SrvVars_Values)]) then exit; Result:=StrPas (SrvVars_Values[Index]); end; function GetSrvVarIndex (const VarName:String):Integer; begin Result:=StringIndex (VarName,SrvVars_Names); end; procedure Init_SrvVars_Values ; var i:Integer; begin for i:=low(SrvVars_Values) to High(SrvVars_Values) do SrvVars_Values[i]:=PChar(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,4096)); end; initialization Response:=TStringList.Create; SetLength(SrvVars_Values,length(SrvVars_Names)); Init_SrvVars_Values ; // remplissage de SrvVars_Values SetSrvVar ('SERVER_PROTOCOL','HTTP/1.1'); SetSrvVar ('URL',''); // SetSrvVar ('HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_DATE',DateToStr(Now)); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_ACCEPT','image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, application/, application/msword, */*'); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_FROM',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_HOST',Mygethostname); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_REFERER',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_USER_AGENT','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)'); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING',''); SetSrvVar ('CONTENT_TYPE',''); SetSrvVar ('CONTENT_LENGTH',IntToStr(Length(GetSrvVarValue('CONTENT_TYPE')))); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_CONTENT_VERSION',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_DERIVED_FROM',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_EXPIRES',DateToStr(Now)); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_TITLE',''); SetSrvVar ('REMOTE_ADDR',Mygethostname); SetSrvVar ('REMOTE_HOST',Mygethostname); SetSrvVar ('SCRIPT_NAME',''); // comme URL SetSrvVar ('SERVER_PORT','80'); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_CONNECTION','Keep-Alive'); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_COOKIE',''); SetSrvVar ('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION','Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAADAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAABAAAAABcKAoE=='); finalization Response.Free; end.