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Call a dll function with variable rt-parameter dynamically

(* --- english ------------------------------------------------------------------- These two functions allow to dynamically call DLL functions with dynamically customizable parameters. Also allow a programm to call a function with at design time unknown parameters (you'll have to implement the dynamicall filling of the array of pointer). --- german -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mit diesen Funktionen können Sie dynamische Aufrufe von DLL-Funktionen realisieren. Sie legen zur Laufzeit den Namen der Funktion und bestimmen ebenso welche Parameter übergeben werden sollen und von welchem Typ diese sind (zu Letzteres kann eine entsprechende Prozedur geschrieben werden). *) // Calls a function from a library. // if it's not loaded yet, it will call LoadLibrary() to load it. function DynamicDllCallName(Dll: String; const Name: String; HasResult: Boolean; var Returned: Cardinal; const Parameters: array of Pointer): Boolean; var prc: Pointer; x, n: Integer; p: Pointer; dllh: THandle; begin dllh := GetModuleHandle(PChar(Dll)); if dllh = 0 then begin dllh := LoadLibrary(PChar(Dll)); end; if dllh <> 0 then begin prc := GetProcAddress(dllh, PChar(Name)); if Assigned(prc) then begin n := High(Parameters); if n > -1 then begin x := n; repeat p := Parameters[x]; asm PUSH p end; Dec(x); until x = -1; end; asm CALL prc end; if HasResult then begin asm MOV p, EAX end; Returned := Cardinal(p); end else begin Returned := 0; end; end else begin Returned := 0; end; Result := Assigned(prc); end else begin Result := false; end; end; // Calls a function from a loaded library function DynamicDllCall(hDll: THandle; const Name: String; HasResult: Boolean; var Returned: Cardinal; const Parameters: array of Pointer): Boolean; var prc: Pointer; x, n: Integer; p: Pointer; begin prc := GetProcAddress(hDll, PChar(Name)); if Assigned(prc) then begin n := High(Parameters); if n > -1 then begin x := n; repeat p := Parameters[x]; asm PUSH p end; Dec(x); until x = -1; end; asm CALL prc end; if HasResult then begin asm MOV p, EAX end; Returned := Cardinal(p); end else begin Returned := 0; end; end else begin Returned := 0; end; Result := Assigned(prc); end; (* --------- Sample (GetSystemDirectory) --------- *) var parameters: array of Pointer; returned: Cardinal; Dir: String; begin SetLength(parameters, 2); SetLength(Dir, MAX_PATH); // Set Buffer size parameters[0] := Pointer(@Dir[1]); // 1st parameter, buffer for path string parameters[1] := Pointer(MAX_PATH); // 2nd parameter, length of buffer if not DynamicDllCallName(kernel32, 'GetSystemDirectoryA', true, returned, parameters) then begin ShowMessage('Function could not be found!'); end else begin SetLength(Dir, returned); // Cut String ShowMessage('GetSystemDirectoryA:'#13#10'Path: ' + Dir + #13#10'Length: ' + IntToStr(returned)); end; end; (* --------- Sample (TextOut) --------- *) const SampleText = 'test'; var parameters: array of Pointer; returned: Cardinal; begin SetLength(parameters, 5); parameters[0] := Pointer(Canvas.Handle); // 1st parameter, handle to the form's canvas parameters[1] := Pointer(10); // 2nd parameter, left margin parameters[2] := Pointer(30); // 3rd parameter, top margin parameters[3] := @SampleText[1]; // 4th parameter, pointer to the sample string parameters[4] := Pointer(Length(SampleText)); // 5th parameter, length of the sample string if not DynamicDllCallName(gdi32, 'TextOutA', true, returned, parameters) then begin ShowMessage('Function could not be found!'); end else begin if not BOOL(returned) then begin // function's result = false ShowMessage('TextOut() failed!'); end; end; end; (* --------- Sample (LockWorkStation) --------- *) var parameters: array of Pointer; returned: Cardinal; begin // We don't have parameters, so we don't touch parameters if not DynamicDllCallName(user32, 'LockWorkStation', true, returned, parameters) then begin ShowMessage('Function could not be found!'); end else begin if not BOOL(returned) then begin ShowMessage('LockWorkStation() failed!'); end; end; end;