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Browse for computer

Title: Browse for computer Question: How to pop a dialog box where you can choose a computer on the network neighborhood ? Answer: {** Compile fine with D3, Should be OK with other version **} function BrowseForComputer(const winhandle : THANDLE; const title : string) : string; WinHandle : window handle (Form1.Handle) or 0. Title : title of the dialog box result : selected computer, or emptystring if Cancel. Based on some code find in newsgroup. uses shlobj; {...} function BrowseForComputer(const winhandle : THANDLE; const title : string) : string; //Pop up the standard 'Browse for computer' dialog box var BrowseInfo: TBrowseInfo; IDRoot: PItemIDList; Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin // Get the Item ID for Network Neighborhood SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(winHandle, CSIDL_NETWORK, IDRoot); ZeroMemory(@BrowseInfo, SizeOf(TBrowseInfo)); ZeroMemory(@path, MAX_PATH); BrowseInfo.hwndOwner := winhandle; BrowseInfo.pidlRoot := IDRoot; BrowseInfo.lpszTitle := PChar(title); BrowseInfo.pszDisplayName := @path; // Include this flag to show computer only BrowseInfo.ulFlags := BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER;// or BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS ; // Show the browse dialog, get the Item ID for the selected item and convert it to a path SHBrowseForFolder(BrowseInfo); // SHGetPathFromIDList(IDList, Path); result := path; end;