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Categories / Delphi / System

Automatically start a service after using Install or Uniinstall switch

Title: Automatically start a service after using /Install or /Uniinstall switch Question: Have you ever wished that the service would also start after installing the service not just install itself. Answer: // In the service unit add these statements before the 'end.' statement. // To automatically start or stop the service during install or uninstall // Tested only on Win2k and WinXP // Change the 'myservice' in both WinExec statements to your own service name. initialization if (ParamCount = 1) and (CompareText('/uninstall',ParamStr(1))=0) then begin WinExec('cmd.exe /c net stop myservice',sw_hide); sleep(3000); end; finalization if (ParamCount = 1) and (CompareText('/Install',ParamStr(1))=0) then WinExec('cmd.exe /c net start myservice',sw_hide); end.