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Automatic Date Completion for EditBox & TDateTime fields

Title: Automatic Date Completion for EditBox & TDateTime fields Question: Automatic Date Completion for EditBox & TDateTime fields Answer: This article will explain about using Automatic Date Completion for EditBox & TDateTime fields of TTable/TQuery/TClientDataSet. unit Employee; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls(*TEDIT*), DB(*TField*), Grids, DBGrids, DBTables ; type TfmEmployee = class(TForm) edtName: TEdit; dbgEmp: TDBGrid; dsEmployee: TDataSource; QryEmp: TQuery; QryEmpEmpNo: TIntegerField; QryEmpLastName: TStringField; QryEmpFirstName: TStringField; QryEmpPhoneExt: TStringField; QryEmpHireDate: TDateTimeField; QryEmpSalary: TFloatField; procedure EdtDateComplete(Sender: TObject); // procedure FldDateComplete(Sender: TField; const Text: String);// private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var fmEmployee: TfmEmployee; implementation {$R *.DFM} (* DateComplete function is originally taken from *) procedure DateComplete(var StrLikeDate:string; NowIfError: Boolean); var DateStr : string; Year, Month, Day : Word; i, SepCount : Integer; begin DateStr:=StrLikeDate; if DateStr = '' then Exit else if(Length(DateStr) SepCount := 0; for i := 1 to Length(DateStr) do begin if not (DateStr[i] in ['0'..'9']) then begin DateStr[i] := DateSeparator; inc(SepCount); end; end; while (DateStr '') and (DateStr[Length(DateStr)]=DateSeparator) do begin Delete(DateStr, Length(DateStr), 1); Dec(SepCount); end; DecodeDate(Now, Year, Month, Day); if SepCount = 0 then begin case Length(DateStr) of 0 : DateStr := DateToStr(Now); 1, 2 : DateStr := DateStr+DateSeparator+IntToStr(Month); 4 : Insert(DateSeparator, DateStr, 3); 6, 8 : begin Insert(DateSeparator, DateStr, 5); Insert(DateSeparator, DateStr, 3); end; end; {case} end; {if SepCount} end; try StrLikeDate := DateToStr(StrToDate(DateStr)); except if NowIfError = true then StrLikeDate := DateToStr(Date) else StrLikeDate := ''; end;{try/except} end; procedure EditBoxDateComplete(edit:TEdit; NowIfError: Boolean); var s : string; begin s := edit.Text; DateComplete(s, NowIfError); edit.Text := s; end; procedure DateFieldDateComplete(Sender:TField; Text: String; NowIfError: Boolean); begin try Sender.AsString := Text; except DateComplete(Text, NowIfError); Sender.AsString := Text; end; end; procedure TfmEmployee.EdtDateComplete(Sender: TObject); begin { Go to properties of an TEdit component, Set "OnExit" event as "EdtDateComplete". If you want to set a default date as NOW set the last parameter as TRUE. } editBoxDateComplete(Sender as TEdit, True); end; procedure TfmEmployee.FldDateComplete(Sender: TField; const Text: String); begin { Go to Fields Editor of an TTable/TQuery/TClientDataSet, Select the TDateTime Field and set "OnSetText" event as "FldDateComplete". If you want to set a default date as NOW set the last parameter as TRUE. } dateFieldDateComplete(Sender, Text, True); end; end.