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Attaching to COM from a DLL

Title: Attaching to COM from a DLL Question: When attaching to a COM object in a DLL an error occurs if CoInitialize() has not been called. It is also required to call CoUnInitialize(). The easiest way to do this is in the initialization and ExitProc() routines of the DLL. The following example demonstrates how to attach to COM from your DLL. Answer: library TestCom; uses ActiveX,SysUtils,Classes,ComObj; var SaveExit: Pointer; // Required by Exit routine // ============================ // Arbitary test code // ============================ procedure RunDll(Key : PChar); stdcall; var DMess,WKey : WideString; OServer : OleVariant; KeyName : WideString; begin try // Connect to COM OServer := CreateOleObject('PeekaBooAlerter.TPBbase'); KeyName := 'Wakeup Message'; OServer.ReadStringKey(KeyName,DMess); WKey := string(Key); OServer.WriteAlert(DMess,WKey); finally OServer := VarNull; // Release the COM attachment end; end; // ================================================= // EXIT Routine - Deinitialize COM library and call // original Exit routine // ================================================= procedure LibExit; begin // library exit code CoUnInitialize; ExitProc := SaveExit; // restore exit procedure chain end; // ================================================== // Export declarations // ================================================== exports RunDll index 1, // ================================================== // DLL library initialization code // ================================================== begin CoInitialize(nil); SaveExit := ExitProc; // Save exit procedure chain ExitProc := @LibExit; // Install LibExit exit procedure end.