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Application Desktop Toolbar (WORKING!!)

Title: Application Desktop Toolbar (WORKING!!) OK Guys Heres a Implementation of using ShAppBarMessage() That works and places the bar INTO the rect. this example places it on the bottom.. This one actually works var Mainfrm: TMainfrm; AppData: TAppBarData; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TMainfrm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var scrht:integer; begin mainfrm.Left := 0; mainfrm.Width := screen.Width; scrht := screen.Height;//for some reason we have to get this first with AppData do //structure setup begin AppData.cbSize := 20; Appdata.hWnd := mainfrm.Handle; AppData.uEdge := ABE_Bottom; AppData.rc.Left := 0; AppData.rc.Top := Screen.WorkAreaHeight-Mainfrm.Height-10; AppData.rc.Right := Mainfrm.Width; AppData.rc.Bottom := screen.height-20; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_NEW, AppData); //Add to system list SHAppBarMessage(ABM_ACTIVATE, AppData); //Activate it SHAppBarMessage(ABM_SETPOS, AppData); //Position it end; application.ProcessMessages; end;