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Adding request Queuing and Thread Pooling to your ISAPI .DLL

Title: Adding request Queuing and Thread Pooling to your ISAPI .DLL Question: My ASP performs better (under load) than my ISAPI DLL written in Delphi 5 using ISAPIApp. They both perform the same tasks i.e. execute stored procedures (using ADO 2.5) and serve the resulting data back to the client. We used Microsoft's Web Stress Tool ( to load the ASP and then the DLL with 100 simultaneous requests and Mr. DLL lost the race. Answer: We knew that ASP used thread pooling and, without really understanding why, we added thread pooling to the DLL. And what do you know, Mr. ASP never won again. SIDE AFFECT: =========== A benefit actually. Queuing of ISAPI request is implicitly added to your solution. As you know (or will realize in a production environment) WebBroker/ISAPIApp does NOT queue requests. What I mean is if you have set your Application.MaxConnections to x and you receive x+1 simultaneous hits WebBroker generates a "500 Internal Server Error" - a big time no-no in a production environment. Anyway - attached is the unit we created which sits on top of ISAPIApp to auto-magically transforms your app into a thread pooling, request queuing - machine. Before deciding to use this please use the Microsoft Web Stress Tool to test you app - once without pooling and again with pooling. You may not require it. ==== unit uISAPIThreadPool; (* SUMMARY ======= This unit implements a thread pool for a Delphi 5 ISAPI Web Application. If all threads are busy in the thread pool the request are queued, unlike TISAPIApplication that just generates a "500 Internal Server Error" ENVIRONMENT =========== Tested on Win2k Professional/Server and IIS 5. USE: ==== Put this unit in the uses clause (in the main web project source) after the ISAPIApp enty as this unit overrided the 3 exports (HttpExtensionProc, GetExtensionProc & TerminateExtension). Currently an instance of TThreadPool is created with a pool size of 25. This seems to be optimum. The Microsoft MFC examples use a pool of 10. Play around with the pool size to achieve maximum performance. Author: Quinton Bernhardt email: *) interface uses ISAPI2,Windows; function GetExtensionVersion(var Ver: THSE_VERSION_INFO): BOOL; stdcall; function HttpExtensionProc(var ECB: TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK): DWORD; stdcall; function TerminateExtension(dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; implementation uses ISAPIApp, SysUtils, Classes; type TThreadWorkData = Record ECB: PEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK; SecurityToken: THandle; end; PThreadWorkData = ^TThreadWorkData; TThreadPool = class private FPool: Array of THandle; FCompletionPortID: THandle; public function newInstanceData(ECB: PEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK; SecToken: THandle): PThreadWorkData; constructor Create(InitThreads: Integer); function postWorkItem(ECB: PEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK): LongBool; destructor Destroy; override; property CompletionPortID: THandle read FCompletionPortID; end; var ThreadPool: TThreadPool; function WorkerFunc(Context: TThreadPool): Integer; var SLen: Cardinal; SData: PThreadWorkData; OL: POverLapped; CompletionPortID: THandle; begin CompletionPortID:= Context.CompletionPortID; While GetQueuedCompletionStatus(CompletionPortID, SLen, Cardinal(SData), OL, INFINITE) do try try if (OL = Pointer($FFFFFFFF)) then break; ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(SData^.SecurityToken); ISAPIApp.HttpExtensionProc(SData^.ECB^); With SData^.ECB^ do ServerSupportFunction(ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, nil , nil, nil); finally CloseHandle(SData^.SecurityToken); (* BUGFIX (1-dec-2000) only Dispose of SData if OL $ffffffff *) if SData Nil then Dispose(SData); end; except // Unhandled Exception, do not exit the worker thread. (* SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. ISAPIApp.HttpExtensionProc already catches all exceptions AND the Win32 functions used here return error codes i.e. they do not raise exceptions. *) end; Result:= 0; end; function TThreadPool.newInstanceData(ECB: PEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK; SecToken: THandle): PThreadWorkData; begin New(Result); Result^.ECB:= ECB; Result^.SecurityToken:= SecToken; end; function TThreadPool.postWorkItem(ECB: PEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK): LongBool; var SecToken: THandle; begin // Open Security token of calling thread this function OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, False, SecToken); Result:= PostQueuedCompletionStatus(FCompletionPortID, 0, Cardinal(newInstanceData(ECB, SecToken)), Nil); end; constructor TThreadPool.Create(InitThreads: Integer); var i: integer; FThreadID: LongWord; begin FCompletionPortID:= CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 0); SetLength(FPool, InitThreads); for i:= 0 to InitThreads - 1 do FPool[i]:= BeginThread(nil, 0, @WorkerFunc, Self, 0, FThreadID); end; destructor TThreadPool.Destroy; var i: integer; begin for i:= 0 to Length(FPool)-1 do PostQueuedCompletionStatus(FCompletionPortID, 0, 0, Pointer($FFFFFFFF)); WaitForMultipleObjects(Length(FPool), @FPool, TRUE, 120000); for i:= 0 to Length(FPool)-1 do CloseHandle(FPool[i]); CloseHandle(FCompletionPortID); FPool:= Nil; end; function HttpExtensionProc(var ECB: TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK): DWORD; var IsPosted: BOOL; begin try // Post Work Item to completions port and store the thread's security context IsPosted:= ThreadPool.postWorkItem(@ECB); if not IsPosted then Result:= HSE_STATUS_ERROR else Result:= HSE_STATUS_PENDING; except Result:= HSE_STATUS_ERROR; end; end; function GetExtensionVersion(var Ver: THSE_VERSION_INFO): BOOL; begin ThreadPool:= TThreadPool.Create(25); Result:= ISAPIApp.GetExtensionVersion(Ver); end; function TerminateExtension(dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; begin ThreadPool.Free; Result:= ISAPIApp.TerminateExtension(dwFlags); end; end. ===