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Adding Custom Language to the system

Title: Adding Custom Language to the system Question: How to add Custom Language to the windows system like Turkmen or Ozbek Answer: In order to do this you have to use Windows registry and change some Keys in the registry. Do this like this. I have Added Turkmen language to the system. Changing Check language to the Turkmen. Ofcourse you have to have KBD file with keyboard definations.For example like Turkmen.kbd. procedure TTMKBD.OkClick(Sender: TObject); var reg:TRegistry; srs,dst:string; begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; with Reg do try RootKey :=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OpenKey('\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\keyboard layouts\00000405', True); WriteString('layout file','Turkmen.kbd'); WriteString('layout text','Turkmen'); OpenKey('\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Locale', True); WriteString('00000405','Turkmen'); CloseKey; finally Free; end; srs:='Turkmen.kbd'; dst:='c:\windows\system\Turkmen.kbd'; Filecopy(srs,dst); showmessage('Well Done it all'); close; end; I hope it will help you.