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Adding Application or Ports to the Windows Firewall

Title: Adding Application or Ports to the Windows Firewall Question: How many times have you installed an app and needed to open a firewall port manually or instruct a client how to do it? Well you can do it simply with Delphi too. Answer: //Don't forget to add ActiveX and ComObj in your uses statement. Const NET_FW_PROFILE_DOMAIN = 0; NET_FW_PROFILE_STANDARD = 1; NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY = 2; NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP = 17; NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP = 6; NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL = 0; NET_FW_SCOPE_LOCAL_SUBNET = 1; procedure addPortToFirewall(EntryName:string;PortNumber:Cardinal); var fwMgr,port:OleVariant; profile:OleVariant; begin fwMgr := CreateOLEObject('HNetCfg.FwMgr'); profile := fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile; port := CreateOLEObject('HNetCfg.FWOpenPort'); port.Name := EntryName; port.Protocol := NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP; port.Port := PortNumber; port.Scope := NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL; port.Enabled := true; profile.GloballyOpenPorts.Add(port); end; procedure addApplicationToFirewall(EntryName:string;ApplicationPathAndExe:string); var fwMgr,app,port:OleVariant; profile:OleVariant; begin fwMgr := CreateOLEObject('HNetCfg.FwMgr'); profile := fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile; app := CreateOLEObject('HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication'); app.ProcessImageFileName := ApplicationPathAndExe; app.Name := EntryName; app.Scope := NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL; app.IpVersion := NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY; app.Enabled :=true; profile.AuthorizedApplications.Add(app); end; //more things you can see at this Address: NOTE: If you application doesn't initialize any activex objects you will also need to call CoInitialize(nil); before using the firewall functions and CoUninitialize; at the end.