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Add personality to your good old MkDir() function

Title: Add personality to your good old MkDir() function Question: Add personality to your good old MkDir() function... Answer: Looking for a function that can create multiple directories (directories inside directories) using a single function call? Well, "MkDir()" function is not it, but the following function maybe just what you're looking for: program MkDirMul; uses SysUtils, FileCtrl; procedure MkDirMulti(sPath : string); begin if('\' = sPath[Length(sPath)])then begin sPath := Copy(sPath, 1, Length(sPath)-1); end; if( ( Length( sPath ) FileCtrl.DirectoryExists( sPath) )then begin Exit; end; MkDirMulti( SysUtils.ExtractFilePath( sPath ) ); try System.MkDir( sPath ); except { handle errors } end; end; begin { don't forget to provide a full path name } MkDirMulti( 'c:\temp\one\two\three\four' ); end.