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A simple component to reboot, shutdown and logoff a system

Title: A simple component to reboot, shutdown and logoff a system. Question: Need an easy way to reboot, shutdown, logoff a system? That's: easy and fast. Answer: Unit uSystemReboot; Interface Uses Windows, Classes; Type TWRAction = ( twraLogOff, twraReboot, twraShutDown ); TWRFlags = Set Of ( twraPowerOff, twraForce ); TSystemReboot = Class( TComponent ) Private FAction : TWRAction; FFlags : TWRFlags; Function SetPrivilege( PrivilegeName : String; Enable : Boolean ) : Boolean; Public Function WinExit( Flags : Integer ) : Boolean; OverLoad; Function WinExit : Boolean; OverLoad; Published Property Action : TWRAction Read FAction Write FAction; Property Flags : TWRFlags Read FFlags Write FFlags; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Function TSystemReboot.SetPrivilege( PrivilegeName : String; Enable : Boolean ) : Boolean; Var tpPrev : TTokenPrivileges; tp : TTokenPrivileges; Token : THandle; dwRetLen : DWord; Begin Result := False; OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES Or TOKEN_QUERY, Token ); tp.PrivilegeCount := 1; If ( LookupPrivilegeValue( NIL, PChar( PrivilegeName ), tp.Privileges[ 0 ].LUID ) ) Then Begin If ( Enable ) Then tp.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED Else tp.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes := 0; dwRetLen := 0; Result := AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, False, tp, SizeOf( tpPrev ), tpPrev, dwRetLen ); End; CloseHandle( Token ); End; Function TSystemReboot.WinExit( Flags : Integer ) : Boolean; Begin Result := True; SetPrivilege( 'SeShutdownPrivilege', True ); If ( Not( ExitWindowsEx( Flags, 0 ) ) ) Then Result := False; SetPrivilege( 'SeShutdownPrivilege', False ); End; Function TSystemReboot.WinExit : Boolean; Var Flags : Word; Begin Result := True; SetPrivilege( 'SeShutdownPrivilege', True ); Case FAction Of twraLogOff : Flags := EWX_LOGOFF; twraReboot : Flags := EWX_REBOOT; Else Flags := EWX_SHUTDOWN; End; If ( twraPowerOff In FFlags ) Then Flags := Flags Or EWX_POWEROFF; If ( twraForce In FFlags ) Then Flags := Flags Or EWX_FORCE; If ( Not( ExitWindowsEx( Flags, 0 ) ) ) Then Result := False; SetPrivilege( 'SeShutdownPrivilege', False ); End; Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents( 'Christian', [ TSystemReboot ] ); End; End.