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A practical way to do the (famous) Enter as Tab substitution, for the whole app

Title: A practical way to do the (famous) 'Enter as Tab' substitution, for the whole app Question: Users always ask for this functionality: Enter key functioning as Tab key (ie: jump to next input field); there's a number of ways to accomplish this, but I think this is the most practical (and centralized) one Answer: First, declare the following private proc. in your main form: {--snip--} procedure TMainForm.DoEnterAsTab(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); begin if Msg.Message = WM_KEYDOWN then begin if Msg.wParam = VK_RETURN then Keybd_event(VK_TAB, 0, 0, 0); end; //if end; {--snip--} Now, all you have to do is: for the OnCreate event of the main form, code this assignment: {--snip--} Application.OnMessage := DoEnterAsTab; {--snip--} And there it is! every time the app receives the WM_KEYDOWN message, if the key is VK_RETURN (#13), we simulate a keyboard event, sending VK_TAB as parameter. It will work for the whole app, and you'll have no code repetition at all.