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2 elinizin altında olması gereken kodlar 2 [directorys , os info, user info ,system info vb]

// // //icq:266148308 unit PJSysInfo; interface uses // Delphi SysUtils, Classes; type { TPJOSPlatform: Enumerated type for OS platforms } TPJOSPlatform = ( ospWinNT, // Windows NT platform ospWin9x, // Windows 9x platform ospWin32s // Win32s platform ); { TPJOSProduct: Enumerated type indentifying OS product } TPJOSProduct = ( osUnknownWinNT, // Unknown Windows NT OS osWinNT, // Windows NT (up to v4) osWin2K, // Windows 2000 osWinXP, // Windows XP osUnknownWin9x, // Unknown Windows 9x OS osWin95, // Windows 95 osWin98, // Windows 98 osWinMe, // Windows Me osUnknownWin32s, // Unknown OS running Win32s osWinSvr2003 // Windows Server 2003 ); { TPJSysInfo: Component that provides system information. } TPJSysInfo = class(TComponent) private // properties function GetSystemFolder: string; function GetTempFolder: string; function GetWindowsFolder: string; function GetComputerName: string; function GetOSDesc: string; function GetUserName: string; function GetOSBuildNumber: Integer; function GetOSMajorVersion: Integer; function GetOSMinorVersion: Integer; function GetOSPlatform: TPJOSPlatform; function GetOSProduct: TPJOSProduct; function GetOSProductName: string; function GetOSProductType: string; function GetOSServicePack: string; function GetCommonFilesFolder: string; function GetProgramFilesFolder: string; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; {Class constructor: ensures only one instance of component can be placed on a form} property CommonFilesFolder: string read GetCommonFilesFolder; {Fully qualified name of common files folder} property ComputerName: string read GetComputerName; {Name of computer} property OSBuildNumber: Integer read GetOSBuildNumber; {Operating system build number} property OSDesc: string read GetOSDesc; {Full description of operating system: included product name, suite and build numbers as applicable} property OSMajorVersion: Integer read GetOSMajorVersion; {Major version number of operating system} property OSMinorVersion: Integer read GetOSMinorVersion; {Minor version number of operating system} property OSPlatform: TPJOSPlatform read GetOSPlatform; {Operating system platform identifier} property OSProduct: TPJOSProduct read GetOSProduct; {Operating system product identifier} property OSProductName: string read GetOSProductName; {Name of operating system} property OSProductType: string read GetOSProductType; {Type of operating system - for NT. Always empty string for Win9x} property OSServicePack: string read GetOSServicePack; {Name of any service pack for NT or additional product info for Win9x} property ProgramFilesFolder: string read GetProgramFilesFolder; {Fully qualified name of program files folder} property SystemFolder: string read GetSystemFolder; {Fully qualified name of Windows system folder} property TempFolder: string read GetTempFolder; {Fully qualified name of current temporary folder} property UserName: string read GetUserName; {Name of currently logged on user} property WindowsFolder: string read GetWindowsFolder; {Fully qualified name of Windows folder} end; { EPJSysInfo: Exceptions raised by code in this unit } EPJSysInfo = class(Exception); function SIGetCommonFilesFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Common Files folder} function SIGetComputerName: string; {Returns name of computer} function SIGetOSBuildNumber: Integer; {Returns build number of operating system} function SIGetOSDesc: string; {Returns Full description of operating system: included product name, suite and build numbers as applicable} function SIGetOSMajorVersion: Integer; {Returns major version of OS} function SIGetOSMinorVersion: Integer; {Returns minor version of OS} function SIGetOSPlatform: TPJOSPlatform; {Returns code identifying OS platform program is running on} function SIGetOSProduct: TPJOSProduct; {Returns code identifying OS product program is running on} function SIGetOSProductName: string; {Returns product name of operating system} function SIGetOSProductType: string; {Returns type of product for Win NT and empty string for other OSs} function SIGetOSServicePack: string; {Returns service pack info for NT and additional release info for Win9x} function SIGetProgramFilesFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Program Files folder} function SIGetSystemFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Windows system folder} function SIGetTempFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of current temporary folder} function SIGetUserName: string; {Returns name of currently logged on user} function SIGetWindowsFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Windows folder} procedure Register; {Delphi component registration routine} implementation uses // Delphi Windows; procedure Register; {Register the component} begin RegisterComponents('Plus', [TPJSysInfo]); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types and constants not available in Delphi 4 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type { TOSVersionInfoEx: Win API OSVERSIONINFOEX type: not defined by Delphi 4 } TOSVersionInfoEx = packed record dwOSVersionInfoSize: DWORD; dwMajorVersion: DWORD; dwMinorVersion: DWORD; dwBuildNumber: DWORD; dwPlatformId: DWORD; szCSDVersion: array[0..127] of AnsiChar; wServicePackMajor: WORD; wServicePackMinor: WORD; wSuiteMask: WORD; wProductType: Byte; wReserved: Byte; end; const // These constants are required for use with TOSVersionInfoex // NT Product types VER_NT_WORKSTATION = $0000001; VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER = $0000002; VER_NT_SERVER = $0000003; // Mask representing NT product suites VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS = $00000001; VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE = $00000002; VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE = $00000004; VER_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS = $00000008; VER_SUITE_TERMINAL = $00000010; VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED = $00000020; VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT = $00000040; VER_SUITE_DATACENTER = $00000080; VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS = $00000100; VER_SUITE_PERSONAL = $00000200; VER_SUITE_SERVERAPPLIANCE = $00000400; VER_SUITE_BLADE = VER_SUITE_SERVERAPPLIANCE; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants required internally // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const // Lookup table of product names cOSProductNames: array[TPJOSProduct] of string = ( 'Unknown Windows NT Release', 'Windows NT', 'Windows 2000', 'Windows XP', 'Unknown Windows 9x Release', 'Windows 95', 'Windows 98', 'Windows Me', 'Win32s', 'Windows Server 2003' ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper routines // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- resourcestring // Error message sCantGetOSV = 'Can''t get OS version info'; sUknownPlatform = 'Unknown OS platform'; function MakeDirName(const DirOrPath: string) : string; {Removes any trailing '\' from given directory or path and returns result} begin Result := DirOrPath; while (Result <> '') and (Result[Length(Result)] = '\') do Result := Copy(Result, 1, Length(Result) - 1); end; function GetOSVerInfo(var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx): Boolean; {Fills a TOSVersionInfoEx or TOSVersionInfo structure with information about operating system - return true if we have read extended structure and false if not} var POSV: POSVersionInfo; // pointer to OS version info structure begin // Clear the structure FillChar(OSV, SizeOf(OSV), 0); // Get pointer to structure of non-extended type (GetVersionEx requires // non-extended structure and we need this pointer to get it to accept our // extended structure POSV := @OSV; // We first try to get exended information OSV.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfoEx); Result := GetVersionEx(POSV^); if not Result then begin // We failed to get extended info: try again with old structure OSV.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); if not GetVersionEx(POSV^) then // We failed again: shouldn't happen so raise exception raise EPJSysInfo.Create(sCantGetOSV); end; end; function GetOSBuildNumber(const OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx): Integer; {Returns build number from given OS ver info structure} begin Result := OSV.dwBuildNumber and $0000FFFF; end; function GetOSPlatform(const OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx): TPJOSPlatform; {Returns OS platform from given OS ver info structure} begin case OSV.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: Result := ospWinNT; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: Result := ospWin9x; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: Result := ospWin32s; else raise EPJSysInfo.Create(sUknownPlatform); end; end; function GetOSProduct(const OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx): TPJOSProduct; {Returns code identifying OS product from given OS ver info structure} begin case OSV.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: begin // We have an NT OS if OSV.dwMajorVersion <= 4 then Result := osWinNT else if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 0) then Result := osWin2K else if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 1) then Result := osWinXP else if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 2) then Result := osWinSvr2003 else Result := osUnknownWinNT; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: begin // We have a Win 95 line OS if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 0) then Result := osWin95 else if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 10) then Result := osWin98 else if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 90) then Result := osWinMe else Result := osUnknownWin9x end; else // This is a Win32s enabled OS Result := osUnknownWin32s; end; end; function GetOSProductName(OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx): string; {Return product name of OS from given OS ver info structure} begin Result := cOSProductNames[GetOSProduct(OSV)]; end; function GetOSProductType(OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; IsOSVersionInfoEx: Boolean): string; {Return type of OS product from given OS ver info structure. IsOSVersionInfoEx indicates if OSV is an extended structure (true) or is older style structure (false). We only return a value for NT} var RegKey: HKEY; // registry key ProductType: array[0..80] of Char; // buffer to store product type from reg BufLen: DWORD; // length of ProductType buffer begin Result := ''; case OSV.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: begin // This is an NT OS // check product type if IsOSVersionInfoEx then begin // we have extended OS info: product type info is in here if OSV.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION then begin if OSV.dwMajorVersion = 4 then Result := 'Workstation' else if OSV.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_PERSONAL <> 0 then Result := 'Home Edition' else Result := 'Professional'; end else if OSV.wProductType = VER_NT_SERVER then begin // This is an NT server OS if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 2) then begin // Windows Serer 2003 if OSV.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER <> 0 then Result := 'Datacenter Edition' else if OSV.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE <> 0 then Result := 'Enterprise Edition' else if OSV.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_BLADE then Result := 'Web Edition' else Result := 'Standard Edition'; end else if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 0) then begin // Windows 2000 Server if OSV.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER <> 0 then Result := 'Datacenter Server' else if OSV.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE <> 0 then Result := 'Advanced Server' else Result := 'Server' end else begin // Windows NT 4.0 if OSV.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE <> 0 then Result := 'Server, Enterprise Edition' else Result := 'Server' end; end; end else begin // we have not got extended OS info: read product type from registry RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions', 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, RegKey ); RegQueryValueEx(RegKey, 'ProductType', nil, nil, @ProductType, @BufLen); RegCloseKey(RegKey); if AnsiCompareText('WINNT', ProductType) = 0 then Result := 'Professional'; if AnsiCompareText('LANMANNT', ProductType) = 0 then Result := 'Server'; if AnsiCompareText('SERVERNT', ProductType) = 0 then Result := 'Advanced Server'; end; end; end; end; function GetOSServicePack(OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx): string; {Returns name of any service pack associated with OS (if NT) or additional product info (if Win9x)} var RegKey: HKEY; // registry key begin Result := ''; case OSV.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: // An NT OS if (OSV.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (AnsiCompareText(OSV.szCSDVersion, 'Service Pack 6') = 0) then begin // Special test for SP6 versus SP6a. if RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\Q246009', 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, RegKey ) = ERROR_SUCCESS then // Windows NT4 SP6a Result := 'Service Pack 6a' else // Window NT4 earlier than SP6a Result := OSV.szCSDVersion; RegCloseKey(RegKey); end else Result := OSV.szCSDVersion; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: // A Win9x OS if OSV.dwMajorVersion = 4 then begin if (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 0) and ((OSV.szCSDVersion[1] = 'C') or (OSV.szCSDVersion[1] = 'B')) then Result := 'OSR2' else if (OSV.dwMinorVersion = 10) and (OSV.szCSDVersion[1] = 'A') then Result := 'SE'; end; end; end; function GetCurrentVersionRegStr(ValName: string): string; {Gets string info from Windows current version key in registry} const cCurrentVersionRegKey = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'; var RegKey: HKEY; // regsitry key DataType: DWORD; // type of data read from registry (must be REG_SZ) BufSize: DWORD; // size of buffer required for registry value begin // Assume we fail to get string from registry Result := ''; // Attempt to open registry key if RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cCurrentVersionRegKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, RegKey ) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin // Get size of buffer required to hold data RegQueryValueEx( RegKey, PChar(ValName), nil, @DataType, nil, @BufSize ); // Check we have string data if DataType = REG_SZ then begin // Read string from registry into Delphu string of required size SetLength(Result, BufSize); if RegQueryValueEx( RegKey, PChar(ValName), nil, @DataType, PByte(PChar(Result)), @BufSize ) = ERROR_SUCCESS then SetLength(Result, StrLen(PChar(Result))); end; // Close the registry key RegCloseKey(RegKey); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public routines // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SIGetCommonFilesFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Common Files folder} begin Result := GetCurrentVersionRegStr('CommonFilesDir'); end; function SIGetComputerName: string; {Returns name of computer} var PComputerName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;// buffer for name returned from API Size: DWORD; // size of name buffer begin Size := MAX_PATH; if Windows.GetComputerName(PComputerName, Size) then Result := PComputerName else Result := ''; end; function SIGetOSBuildNumber: Integer; {Returns build number of operating system} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSBuildNumber(OSV); end; function SIGetOSDesc: string; {Returns Full description of operating system: included product name, suite and build numbers as applicable} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info IsOSVersionInfoEx: Boolean; // flag true if we read extended OS info // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure AppendToResult(const Str: string); begin if Str <> '' then Result := Result + ' ' + Str; end; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin // Read version info and record if extended or old version read IsOSVersionInfoEx := GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSProductName(OSV); case OSV.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: begin // We have an NT OS // check for product type AppendToResult(GetOSProductType(OSV, IsOSVersionInfoEx)); // display version, service pack (if any), and build number. if OSV.dwMajorVersion <= 4 then AppendToResult(Format('version %d.%d %s (Build %d)', [OSV.dwMajorVersion, OSV.dwMinorVersion, GetOSServicePack(OSV), GetOSBuildNumber(OSV)])) else AppendToResult(Format('%s (Build %d)', [GetOSServicePack(OSV), GetOSBuildNumber(OSV)])); end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: begin // We have a Win 95 line OS AppendToResult(GetOSServicePack(OSV)); end; end; end; function SIGetOSMajorVersion: Integer; {Returns major version of OS} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := OSV.dwMajorVersion; end; function SIGetOSMinorVersion: Integer; {Returns minor version of OS} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := OSV.dwMinorVersion; end; function SIGetOSPlatform: TPJOSPlatform; {Returns code identifying OS platform program is running on} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSPlatform(OSV); end; function SIGetOSProduct: TPJOSProduct; {Returns code identifying OS product program is running on} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSProduct(OSV); end; function SIGetOSProductName: string; {Returns product name of operating system} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSProductName(OSV); end; function SIGetOSProductType: string; {Returns type of product for Win NT and empty string for other OSs} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info IsOSVersionInfoEx: Boolean; // flag true if we read extended OS info begin IsOSVersionInfoEx := GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSProductType(OSV, IsOSVersionInfoEx); end; function SIGetOSServicePack: string; {Returns service pack info for NT and additional release info for Win9x} var OSV: TOSVersionInfoEx; // structure to hold OS info begin GetOSVerInfo(OSV); Result := GetOSServicePack(OSV); end; function SIGetProgramFilesFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Program Files folder} begin Result := GetCurrentVersionRegStr('ProgramFilesDir'); end; function SIGetSystemFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Windows system folder} var PFolder: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // buffer to hold name returned from API begin if Windows.GetSystemDirectory(PFolder, MAX_PATH) <> 0 then Result := MakeDirName(PFolder) else Result := ''; end; function SIGetTempFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of current temporary folder} var PathBuf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // buffer to hold name returned from API begin if Windows.GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, PathBuf) <> 0 then Result := MakeDirName(PathBuf) else Result := ''; end; function SIGetUserName: string; {Returns name of currently logged on user} var PUserName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // buffer for name returned from API Size: DWORD; // size of name buffer begin Size := MAX_PATH; if Windows.GetUserName(PUserName, Size) then Result := PUserName else Result := ''; end; function SIGetWindowsFolder: string; {Returns fully qualified name of Windows folder} var PFolder: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // buffer to hold name returned from API begin if Windows.GetWindowsDirectory(PFolder, MAX_PATH) <> 0 then Result := MakeDirName(PFolder) else Result := ''; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Component implementation // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { TPJSysInfo } resourcestring // Error message sDupInstErr = 'Only one %0:s component is permitted on a form: ' + '%1:s is already present on %2:s'; constructor TPJSysInfo.Create(AOwner: TComponent); {Class constructor: ensures only one instance of component can be placed on a form} var Idx: Integer; // loops thru components on Owner form begin // Ensure that component is unique for Idx := 0 to Pred(AOwner.ComponentCount) do if AOwner.Components[Idx] is ClassType then raise Exception.CreateFmt( sDupInstErr, [ClassName, AOwner.Components[Idx].Name, AOwner.Name] ); // All OK: go ahead and create component inherited Create(AOwner); end; function TPJSysInfo.GetCommonFilesFolder: string; {Read access method for CommonFilesFolder property} begin Result := SIGetCommonFilesFolder; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetComputerName: string; {Read access method for ComputerName property} begin Result := SIGetComputerName; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSBuildNumber: Integer; {Read access method for OSBuildNumber property} begin Result := SIGetOSBuildNumber; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSDesc: string; {Read access method for OSDesc property} begin Result := SIGetOSDesc; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSMajorVersion: Integer; {Read access method for OSMajorVersion property} begin Result := SIGetOSMajorVersion; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSMinorVersion: Integer; {Read access method for OSMinorVersion property} begin Result := SIGetOSMinorVersion; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSPlatform: TPJOSPlatform; {Read access method for OSPlatform property} begin Result := SIGetOSPlatform; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSProduct: TPJOSProduct; {Read access method for OSProduct property} begin Result := SIGetOSProduct; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSProductName: string; {Read access method for OSProductName property} begin Result := SIGetOSProductName; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSProductType: string; {Read access method for OSProductType property} begin Result := SIGetOSProductType; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetOSServicePack: string; {Read access method for OSServicePack property} begin Result := SIGetOSServicePack; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetProgramFilesFolder: string; {Read access method for ProgramFilesFolder property} begin Result := SIGetProgramFilesFolder; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetSystemFolder: string; {Read access method for SystemFolder property} begin Result := SIGetSystemFolder; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetTempFolder: string; {Read access method for TempFolder property} begin Result := SIGetTempFolder; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetUserName: string; {Read access method for UserName property} begin Result := SIGetUserName; end; function TPJSysInfo.GetWindowsFolder: string; {Read access method for WindowsFolder property} begin Result := SIGetWindowsFolder; end; end.