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//this is a small function which give the password of the screensaver!! function GetScrPass: string ; var ScrnSvrPss: String; reg: TRegistry; buf: Array[0..256] of char; length: word; a: byte; asdec: byte; password : String[128]; const // Decrypts the screen saver password from the registry xorwert: array[1..128] of byte = (72,238,118,29,103,105,161, 27,122,140,71,248,84,149,151,95,120,217,218,108,89,215,107, 53,197,119,133,24,42,14,82,255,0,227,27,113,141,52,99,235, 145,195,36,15,183,194,248,227,182,84,76,53,84,231,201,73,40, 163,133,17,11,44,104,251,238,125,246,108,227,156,45,228,114, 195,187,133,26,18,60,50,227,107,79,77,244,169,36,200,250,120 ,173,35,161,228,109,154,4,206,43,197,182,197,239,147,92,168, 133,43,65,55,114,250,87,69,65,161,32,79,128,179,213,35,2,100 ,63,108,241,15); begin password := ''; reg := TRegistry.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Reg.OpenKey('Control PanelDesktop', FALSE); Reg.ReadBinaryData('ScreenSave_Data', buf, sizeof(buf)); length := (Reg.GetDataSize('ScreenSave_Data') - 1) shr 1; if Reg.ReadBool('ScreenSaveUsePassword') then For a := 1 to length do begin asdec := StrToInt('$' + buf[(a shl 1)-2] + buf[(a shl 1)-1]); password := concat(password, Chr(asdec xor xorwert [a])); end else password := 'There was an error getting the password.';; ScrnSvrPss := password; //sleep(1000); result:=ScrnSvrPss; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin edit1.text :=GetScrPass; end;