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What third-party packages are specifically known to work [or not work] with delphi

Package/Manufacturer/Tested By/Comments Orpheus/TurboPower Software/ is a package of native VBX controls (I.E. true Delphi objects, not VBXes), including full source code. It's in beta test, and expected to be in full production by May. It has a text editor that works with up to 16Mb files, a virtual list box, smart data entry fields, a timer pool that allows multiple timers without consuming as any Windows resources, spinners, better tabbed notebooks, and various other things. Crystal Reports VBX/Crystal Services/ version of Crystal Reports that is included with Visual Basic works fine. I haven't tried other versions. The default class name, TReport, conflicts with the ReportSmith class built into Delphi, so I renamed it to TCrystalReport. Spread-VBX 2.0/FarPoint Systems/ I tried to load Spread- VBX, Delphi immediately crashed, and shortly thereafter my entire system locked up. I guess that means it isn't compatible... Visual Basic's Grid/Microsoft/ loads and runs fine, although once again Tgrid conflicts with stuff built into Delphi, so I renamed it to TVBGrid. I only installed this to see if it would work; Delphi's built-in grids are better. VBTools 3D Calendar/MicroHelp/ fine, except that it isn't data-aware once you load it into Delphi. VBTools Card Deck/MicroHelp/ fine VBTools Dice/MicroHelp/ fine Data Widgets/Sheridan Software/ be made to work, sort of; but no data connectivity, so what's the point? Hey, you! I know you've used some VBXes (or whatever) with Delphi. Please e-mail with your findings so that this list can become more complete.