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Using IStrings and TStringsAdapter

Title: Using IStrings and TStringsAdapter Question: A Simple, Straight forward way of using 'IStrings' interface to pass Multiple Strings from a COM Object. Answer: The VCL Contains great amount of reusable code and Helper Objects implementing many standard COM interfaces. Particularly when in comes to the implementation of COM & related stuff, life has been made a lot easy. One such demonstration of these beautiful helper objects is the Implementation of 'IStrings' interface via the 'TStringsAdapter' Class. In this article we will take a sneak peak about how we can utilise this class effectively. Assume this situation : You are creating a loosely coupled, (COM based) business object. you got to return a list of strings as result of a method call. the options are many. for ex. you may choose to return it as: 1. as a Variant Array. 2. as a huge string, seperated by delimeters 3. as an IStream and more... well, here is a much simpler option. most effective and faster to implement. 1. We create a TStringList object 2. fill it with strings 3. create a TStringsAdapter 4. pass the TStringList to the Adapter 5. retrieve an IStrings interface from the Adapter. here is the code (COM Server) : {-- Interface Declaration --} IUsers = interface(IDispatch) ['{8195E30A-ADB7-459E-804A-32A97FE1A2DE}'] function Get_UserRights(const AUserID: WideString): IStrings; safecall; end; {-- Interface Implementation --} TUsers = class(TAutoObject, IUsers) protected FUserRights : TStringList; public {Constructor, Destructor.... } function Get_UserRights(const AUserID: WideString): IStrings; safecall; end; function TUsers.Get_UserRights(const AUserID: WideString): IStrings; begin {-- FUserRights : fill your TStringList with data here. FUserRights.Clear; FUserRights.Add('rt_view'); FUserRights.Add('rt_add'); FUserRights.Add('rt_update'); FUserRights.Add('rt_delete'); FUserRights.Add('rt_approve'); --} Result := TStringsAdapter.Create( FUserRights ) as IStrings; end; and at the Client Side, 1. Declare a variable of type IStrings 2. Create your COM Object 3. Call Get_UserRights and assign the result to the IStrings variable procedure DisplayUserRights; var oUsers : IUsers; oUserRights : IStrings; iCtr : integer; begin oUsers := COUsers.Create; oUserRights := oUsers.Get_UserRights(''); {-- Access the individual strings as oUserRights.Item[0]... --} {-- or you can copy it to a local TStringlist --} oUserRights := nil; oUsers := nil; end; {-- Dependencies, Deployment Considerations --} You got to include 'StdVcl' unit in your uses clause and stdvcl40.dll while deploying. (stdvcl40.dll has to be registered.) That's All Folks. Hope it is useful.