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Using Case structure with strings

Title: Using Case structure with strings Question: I am sure every one at some time has wanted to use a case structure with strings but that is not possible with delphi case structures. So this is my solution which I have used over and over... Answer: I created a function called string index that returns the index of a string within an array of strings. The function returns -1 if the string was not found and is not case sensitive. QUICK NOTE: Scroll down farther to see several examples on how I used it. ========== Usage: Simply use like this case StringIndex('Edit', ['Post', 'Edit', 'Cancel']) of 0: ; // Do somthing for Post "command" 1: ; // Do somthing for Edit "command" 2: ; // Do somthing for Cancel "command" end; . . . or if StringIndex('Edit', ['a', 'ab', 'rth']) = -1 then // something else // something StringIndex returns -1 if the string does not exist. This function is not case sensitive. Of course the first string 'Edit' would be some variable. Happy Coding! Source: unit Fn_StringIndex; interface uses SysUtils; function StringIndex(const SearchString: string; StrList: array of string): Integer; implementation function StringIndex(const SearchString: string; StrList: array of string): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result:= -1; for I:= 0 to High(StrList) do if CompareText(SearchString, StrList[I]) = 0 then begin Result:= I; Break; end; end; end. SOME EXAMPLES OF USAGE ========================================= I decided it would be good for me to show all the places where I have used this function, so it is clearer the purpose I made it. These are cuts directly from live code. I hope this helps and maybe spark some ideas. ================== In this case I used it to determine my action if the OrdProp was Boolean or WordBool EnumVal:= GetOrdProp(Instance, PropInfo); if StringIndex(PropInfo^.PropType^^.Name, ['Boolean', 'WordBool']) -1 then begin . // to much to explain here . end else ..... ================== Here I am determining what kind of text to return based on the float type name tkFloat : case StringIndex(Info.PropInfo^.PropType^^.Name, ['Currency', 'TDateTime']) of 0: begin Result:= CurrToStr(GetFloatProp(Instance, PropInfo)); end; 1: Result:= DateTimeToStr(GetFloatProp(Instance, PropInfo)); else Result:= FloatToStr(GetFloatProp(Instance, PropInfo)); end; ================== This converts a text string S to a boolean value. function TRTTIModifier.TextToBool(S: string): Boolean; begin Result:= StringIndex(S, ['', 'F', 'False', '0', 'No']) = -1; end; ================== Taken from a web server application, to replace the passed tag "TagString" with whatever its suppose to. This I think would be a must for anyone using borlands web server architech. procedure TSite.StateHTMLTag(Sender: TObject; Tag: TTag; const TagString: String; TagParams: TStrings; var ReplaceText: String); begin case StringIndex(TagString, ['UserID', 'UserCreationDate', 'UserSiteAccessTime', 'APPCreationDate', 'UserList', 'Host']) of 0: ReplaceText:= IntToStr(User.ID); 1: ReplaceText:= DateTimeToStr(User.CreationDateTime); 2: ReplaceText:= DateTimeToStr(User.LastUserAccess); 3: ReplaceText:= DateTimeToStr(App.CreationDateTime)+' RefCount='+IntToStr(App.ReferenceCount); 4: ReplaceText:= 'User List has been disabled'; 5: ReplaceText:= App.Host; end; end; ================== Another snip from a web server app where the command was passed on the url. I am only giving a small snip of it, but I think you get the idea. else case StringIndex(Command, ['EDITOBJECT', 'MODIFY', 'GENFORM', 'DELETE', 'PREVIEW', 'EDIT', 'CREATESITE', 'Reload', 'CreateSubSite', 'LogOut', 'HistoryBack', 'HistoryForward', 'PublishSite', 'Copy']) of 0:begin Response.Content:= EditObject(PassedObject, SubCommand); end; 1: begin ================== This is taken from a some laser controler software I wrote.... You can see that I am determining what method to call based on the file extension. procedure TBoneEditorData.LoadAnyFile(const FileName: string); var Ext: string; begin Ext:= ExtractFileExt(FileName); case StringIndex(Ext, ['.fmc', '.ild', '.fbz', '.fgp', '.fif']) of 0: LoadMotionFile(FileName); 1: LoadIldaFile(FileName); 2: LoadBonesFile(FileName); 3: LoadCombo(FileName); 4: LoadImageFile(FileName); else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Cannot load files of this type extension "%s"', [Ext]); end; end; ================== This takes a code from a database field and converts it to an ord type function TMDBSchedule.GetFrequency: TFrequency; const FreqArray: array[0..4] of string = ('Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'N'); var FreqInput: string; FreqOrd: integer; begin FreqInput := UpperCase(DataSet.FieldByName('Frequency').AsString); FreqOrd := StringIndex(FreqInput, FreqArray); case FreqOrd of 0: Result := frYearly; 1: Result := frMonthly; 2: Result := frWeekly; 3: Result := frDaily; 4: Result := frNone; else Result := frNone; end; end; ================== Thats all the most important stuff.... have fun!