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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Use Strings in a Case Statement

Title: use Strings in a Case Statement? { Funktioniert unabhängig von der Klein-/Großscheibung in dem Input-String: Versuchen Sie es z.B. mit "Mother" oder "mOTHER"... Damit kann man seine eigene Makrosprache entwickeln oder bestimmte Teile eines Strings aus einem SQL statement, aus einer wohlgeformten Datei wie im XML-Format...interpretieren. } { It works fine and it's not case sensitive: Try to give "Mother" or "mOTHER" in the Input-String... For exemple, you may use this to programm your own macro command system. You can also parse a well formed text file (XML...) Or to interpret a Database Field name as a selector, or whatelse you want. } uses TypInfo; type TNumericChoiceParent = (ncp_Mother, ncp_Father, ncp_Child); procedure TForm1.btChooseClick(Sender: TObject); var S: string; begin S := InputEdit.Text; case TNumericChoiceParent(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TNumericChoiceParent), 'ncp_' + S)) of ncp_Mother: ShowMessage('Hello Mom :o)'); ncp_Father: ShowMessage('Hi, Dad -]'); ncp_Child: ShowMessage('Shut up and eat your soup !-('); else ShowMessage('Who do you think that you are?'); end; end;