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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Stop memory leaks with the masks matchesmask procedure

// The Masks unit has a bug when specifying // masks that start with with a set, this bug // even occurrs is a * is first and then a set. // This is due to a small memory freeing issue // If you step through the masks unit you // will find it. Here is a replacement unit for // the Masks unit which has the fixes in it. { *************************************************************************** } { } { Kylix and Delphi Cross-Platform Visual Component Library } { } { Copyright (c) 1995, 2001 Borland Software Corporation } { } { *************************************************************************** } unit untMasks; interface uses SysUtils; type EMaskException = class(Exception); TMask = class private FMask: Pointer; FSize: Integer; public constructor Create(const MaskValue: string); destructor Destroy; override; function Matches(const FileName: string): Boolean; end; function MatchesMask(const FileName, Mask: string): Boolean; implementation uses RTLConsts; const MaxCards = 30; type PMaskSet = ^TMaskSet; TMaskSet = set of Char; TMaskStates = (msLiteral, msAny, msSet, msMBCSLiteral); TMaskState = record SkipTo: Boolean; case State: TMaskStates of msLiteral: (Literal: Char); msAny: (); msSet: (Negate: Boolean; CharSet: PMaskSet); msMBCSLiteral: (LeadByte, TrailByte: Char); end; PMaskStateArray = ^TMaskStateArray; TMaskStateArray = array[0..128] of TMaskState; function InitMaskStates(const Mask: string; var MaskStates: array of TMaskState; bDontAllocate: Boolean = False): Integer; var I: Integer; SkipTo: Boolean; Literal: Char; LeadByte, TrailByte: Char; P: PChar; Negate: Boolean; CharSet: TMaskSet; Cards: Integer; procedure InvalidMask; begin raise EMaskException.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidMask, [Mask, P - PChar(Mask) + 1]); end; procedure Reset; begin SkipTo := False; Negate := False; CharSet := []; end; procedure WriteScan(MaskState: TMaskStates); begin if I <= High(MaskStates) then begin if SkipTo then begin Inc(Cards); if Cards > MaxCards then InvalidMask; end; MaskStates[I].SkipTo := SkipTo; MaskStates[I].State := MaskState; case MaskState of msLiteral: MaskStates[I].Literal := UpCase(Literal); msSet: begin MaskStates[I].Negate := Negate; if not bDontAllocate then begin New(MaskStates[I].CharSet); MaskStates[I].CharSet^ := CharSet; end else MaskStates[I].CharSet := nil; end; msMBCSLiteral: begin MaskStates[I].LeadByte := LeadByte; MaskStates[I].TrailByte := TrailByte; end; end; end; Inc(I); Reset; end; procedure ScanSet; var LastChar: Char; C: Char; begin Inc(P); if P^ = '!' then begin Negate := True; Inc(P); end; LastChar := #0; while not (P^ in [#0, ']']) do begin // MBCS characters not supported in msSet! if P^ in LeadBytes then Inc(P) else case P^ of '-': if LastChar = #0 then InvalidMask else begin Inc(P); for C := LastChar to UpCase(P^) do Include(CharSet, C); end; else LastChar := UpCase(P^); Include(CharSet, LastChar); end; Inc(P); end; if (P^ <> ']') or (CharSet = []) then InvalidMask; WriteScan(msSet); end; begin P := PChar(Mask); I := 0; Cards := 0; Reset; while P^ <> #0 do begin case P^ of '*': SkipTo := True; '?': if not SkipTo then WriteScan(msAny); '[': ScanSet; else if P^ in LeadBytes then begin LeadByte := P^; Inc(P); TrailByte := P^; WriteScan(msMBCSLiteral); end else begin Literal := P^; WriteScan(msLiteral); end; end; Inc(P); end; Literal := #0; WriteScan(msLiteral); Result := I; end; function MatchesMaskStates(const FileName: string; const MaskStates: array of TMaskState): Boolean; type TStackRec = record sP: PChar; sI: Integer; end; var T: Integer; S: array[0..MaxCards - 1] of TStackRec; I: Integer; P: PChar; procedure Push(P: PChar; I: Integer); begin with S[T] do begin sP := P; sI := I; end; Inc(T); end; function Pop(var P: PChar; var I: Integer): Boolean; begin if T = 0 then Result := False else begin Dec(T); with S[T] do begin P := sP; I := sI; end; Result := True; end; end; function Matches(P: PChar; Start: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; for I := Start to High(MaskStates) do with MaskStates[I] do begin if SkipTo then begin case State of msLiteral: while (P^ <> #0) and (UpperCase(P^) <> Literal) do Inc(P); msSet: while (P^ <> #0) and not (Negate xor (UpCase(P^) in CharSet^)) do Inc(P); msMBCSLiteral: while (P^ <> #0) do begin if (P^ <> LeadByte) then Inc(P, 2) else begin Inc(P); if (P^ = TrailByte) then Break; Inc(P); end; end; end; if P^ <> #0 then Push(@P[1], I); end; case State of msLiteral: if UpperCase(P^) <> Literal then Exit; msSet: if not (Negate xor (UpCase(P^) in CharSet^)) then Exit; msMBCSLiteral: begin if P^ <> LeadByte then Exit; Inc(P); if P^ <> TrailByte then Exit; end; end; Inc(P); end; Result := True; end; begin Result := True; T := 0; P := PChar(FileName); I := Low(MaskStates); repeat if Matches(P, I) then Exit; until not Pop(P, I); Result := False; end; procedure DoneMaskStates(var MaskStates: array of TMaskState); var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(MaskStates) to High(MaskStates) do if MaskStates[I].State = msSet then Dispose(MaskStates[I].CharSet); end; { TMask } constructor TMask.Create(const MaskValue: string); var A: array[0..0] of TMaskState; begin FSize := InitMaskStates(MaskValue, A, True); FMask := AllocMem(FSize * SizeOf(TMaskState)); InitMaskStates(MaskValue, Slice(PMaskStateArray(FMask)^, FSize)); end; destructor TMask.Destroy; begin if FMask <> nil then begin DoneMaskStates(Slice(PMaskStateArray(FMask)^, FSize)); FreeMem(FMask, FSize * SizeOf(TMaskState)); end; end; function TMask.Matches(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin Result := MatchesMaskStates(FileName, Slice(PMaskStateArray(FMask)^, FSize)); end; function MatchesMask(const FileName, Mask: string): Boolean; var CMask: TMask; begin CMask := TMask.Create(Mask); try Result := CMask.Matches(FileName); finally CMask.Free; end; end; end.