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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Ornek component yazilimi

{ Tkimlik ver 1.0 With this component you can do a human's First,last name, father and Mather name, Birth Place, Birth date write and it calculate 11 digit charecter a Person Number. Maybe it calculate different person identity same number. Not Warranty. Nihat yorganci } unit Kimlik; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TKimlik = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } FFirstName:string; FLastName:string; FFather:string; FMather:string; FBirthPlace:string; FBirthDate:Tdate; function Girmismi:Boolean;//verileri girmişmi. function Hesap:int64;//sonucu hesapla. protected { Protected declarations } procedure loaded;override;//Tcomponentin metodu.Buradaki kod kendiliğinden çalışıyor.hep override olarak tanımla. //Ulaşılamayan olayları başlatan prosedürleride buraya yaz. Public PersonNo:int64; { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Calculate; published { Published declarations } property FirstName : String Read FFirstName Write FFirstName; property LastName : String Read FLastName Write FLastName; property Father : String Read FFather Write FFather; property Mather : String read FMather Write FMather; property BirthPlace : String read FBirthPlace Write FBirthPlace; property BirthDate: Tdate read FBirthDate Write FBirthDate; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TKimlik.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); end; procedure Tkimlik.Calculate; begin PersonNo:=Hesap; end; Function Tkimlik.hesap:int64; var size:int64; str,codestr,sdate:string; i,x,y,code:integer; Num: Int64; begin if girmismi=false then begin result:=0; exit; end else begin str:=FFirstName+FLastName+FFather+FMather+FBirthPlace; str:=Uppercase(str);//Upper Case. i:=length(str); size:=Trunc(FBirthDate); while i>0 do begin CodeStr := CodeStr + intToStr(size mod Ord(str[i])); dec(i); end; if codestr[1]='0' then Codestr[1]:=codestr[length(codestr)]; sdate:=inttostr(size);//date to string if length(sdate)>5 then begin while length(sdate)>5 do begin delete(sdate,1,1); end; end else if length(sdate)<5 then begin while length(sdate)<5 do begin sdate:='0'+sdate; end; end; end; y:=0; if length(codestr)>6 then begin while length(codestr)>6 do begin str:=copy(codestr,1,6); delete(codestr,1,6); x:=strtoint(str); Y:=y+x; end; y:=Y+strtoint(codestr);//left number<6 also add. end; if y=0 then y:=strtoint(codestr); str:=inttostr(y); if length(str)>6 then str:=copy(str,1,6);//cut first 6 character. if length(str)<6 then begin for x:=1 to 6-length(str)do begin str:=inttostr(x)+str; end; end; if str[1]='0' then if str[length(str)]<>'0' then str[1]:=str[length(str)] else str[1]:='1'; codestr:=str+sdate;//total 11 character. Val(CodeStr, Num, Code);//11' eşit olsada buraya geliyor. result:=num; end;//yanlış değerler girilmemiş. function Tkimlik.Girmismi:Boolean; begin FFirstName:=trim(FirstName); FLastName:=trim(FLastName); FFather:=trim(FFather); FMather:=trim(FMather); FBirthPlace:=trim(FBirthPlace); if (FFirstName='')or(FLastName='')or (FFather='') Or(FMather='')or (FBirthPlace='') then begin showmessage('Adı,Soyadı,Anne,Baba Adı,Doğum Yeri Doldurulmalı.'); result:=false; end else begin if FBirthDate=null then result:=false else result:=True; end; end; procedure Tkimlik.loaded;//kendiliğinden yükleniyor. begin inherited; //buraya kodları yaz.Daha Vcl açılır açılmaz çalışıyor. end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TKimlik]); end; end.