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I built a small test project what are all these files

Here is a list of the file extensions created by Delphi and what they all mean: DPR - Delphi Project File. This is actually a Pascal source file; it just happens to be the main program for the application. ~DP - A backup file of the DPR file before the last save operation. PAS - In Delphi, PAS files are always the source code to either a unit or a form. The main program of an application is in the DPR file. ~PA - A backup of a .PAS file. DFM - These files are always paired with PAS files. The DFM file is the binary data used to set up initial data for components (IE, the properties you set in design mode rather than in code). You can't edit a DFM file with a text editor, but if you open it in Delphi, you will see a textual version of the contents. ~DF - A backup of a .DFM file. DCU - A compiled unit, similar in concept to an OBJ file. OPT - Project Options; i.e. compiler and linker settings, which form is the main form, what icon to use for the application, etc. Generally, the stuff you edit under Options/Project. RES - A Windows resource file; generated automatically by Delphi and required by the compilation process. You don't need to worry about this file, but don't delete it either. EXE - All of the above linked together into runnable format.