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Categories / Delphi / Strings

How to writeread a string tofrom the serial port

Title: How to write/read a string to/from the serial port function OpenCOMPort: Boolean; var DeviceName: array[0..80] of Char; ComFile: THandle; begin { First step is to open the communications device for read/write. This is achieved using the Win32 'CreateFile' function. If it fails, the function returns false. } StrPCopy(DeviceName, 'COM1:'); ComFile := CreateFile(DeviceName, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if ComFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Result := False else Result := True; end; function SetupCOMPort: Boolean; const RxBufferSize = 256; TxBufferSize = 256; var DCB: TDCB; Config: string; CommTimeouts: TCommTimeouts; begin { We assume that the setup to configure the setup works fine. Otherwise the function returns false. } Result := True; if not SetupComm(ComFile, RxBufferSize, TxBufferSize) then Result := False; if not GetCommState(ComFile, DCB) then Result := False; // define the baudrate, parity,... Config := 'baud=9600 parity=n data=8 stop=1'; if not BuildCommDCB(@Config[1], DCB) then Result := False; if not SetCommState(ComFile, DCB) then Result := False; with CommTimeouts do begin ReadIntervalTimeout := 0; ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 1000; WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := 1000; end; if not SetCommTimeouts(ComFile, CommTimeouts) then Result := False; end; { The following is an example of using the 'WriteFile' function to write data to the serial port. } procedure SendText(s: string); var BytesWritten: DWORD; begin { Add a word-wrap (#13 + #10) to the string } s := s + #13 + #10; WriteFile(ComFile, s[1], Length(s), BytesWritten, nil); end; { The following is an example of using the 'ReadFile' function to read data from the serial port. } procedure ReadText: string; var d: array[1..80] of Char; s: string; BytesRead, i: Integer; begin Result := ''; if not ReadFile(ComFile, d, SizeOf(d), BytesRead, nil) then begin { Raise an exception } end; s := ''; for i := 1 to BytesRead do s := s + d[I]; Result := s; end; procedure CloseCOMPort; begin // finally close the COM Port! CloseHandle(ComFile); end;