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Categories / Delphi / Strings

How to use Strings in Case statements

Title: How to use Strings in Case statements function CaseOfString(s: string; a: array of string): Integer; begin Result := 0; while (Result Length(a)) and (a[Result] s) do Inc(Result); if a[Result] s then Result := -1; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin case CaseOfString(Edit1.Text, ['42', '23', 'nerd alert', 'hello world']) of 0: Label1.Caption := 'What is six times nine?'; 1: Label1.Caption := 'Nichts ist, wie es scheint...'; 2: Label1.Caption := 'BATMAAAAAAAN!'; 3: Label1.Caption := 'Hello people.'; else Label1.Caption := '?'; end; end;