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How to operate with Strings

Title: How to operate with Strings This FAQ was originally posted in the extinct Turbo Pascal Forum. The functions posted here are tested up to Delphi 6. In Delphi 7 some name changes apeared, like pos changed to PosEx Also some of the other code snippets have been combined into "Delphi Functions" in later versions Some of the most common operations with strings are already embedded in Delphi. Here is a list of some of the procedures and functions that are available Length Upcase Pos Insert Delete Copy Val Str String, Length and Upcase A string is a chain of characters in pascal or an array of characters. To acces the individual elements of the string, we can use the standard array construction: S := ''; S[7] --- k note The first character in the string is stored on position 1, so: S[1] --- w unlike languages as C and C++ (Thanks Towerbase!). In position 0 information about the string length is stored The function length returns the number of elements (characters) in the string Example S := ''; length(S) -- 16 The procedure Upcase converts a character to his uppercase equivalent (works on characters) Upcase(a) --- A Combining the 3 mentioned procedures/functions in a function for converting a string to uppercase: Function Uppercase(Instring : string) : string; var j: integer; Outstring : string begin Outstring := '; for j:1 to length(instring) do Outstring := Outstring + Upcase(instring[j]); result := Outstring; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pos Sometimes we need to know if a certain word or phrase is part of a string the function Pos returns the position of the substring in the analyzed string. If the substring is not encountered the result is 0 example Mainstring := 'This is the Borland Turbo Pacal Compiler'; Substring1 := 'Turbo pascal'; Substring2 := 'Turbo Pacal'; i := Pos( SubString1, MainString); Returns i = 0; i := Pos( SubString2, MainString); Returns i = 21; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insert This procedure inserts a Source in the Target string at the position Index Target := ''; Source := 'http://'; Index := 1; Insert ( Source , Target , Index); results in Target -- '' [i]obs: the index starts at 1 and not at 0, contrary to the sequence numbering used in items of delphi objects [/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delete This procedure removes the quantity of characters specified in L from the string target, starting at the Index given Target := 'black +and white'; L := 3; Index := 8; Delete ( Target, Index, L); Target -- 'black + white' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy This function returns a part from the string target, with a length of L characters from the position specified in Index Target := 'Turbo Pascal Compiler' L := 6; Index := 7; substring := Copy (Target, Index, L ); will results in substring -- Pascal ------------------------------------------------------- STR, Val At last there are the standard string to number, and number to string conversion: STR( Number[:length]:Decimals] , TextVal) which converts the value in number to text and stores it in Textval Number = 235.489 STR (Number:3:1) -- 235.4 and Val( TextVal, Number , Code) which converts String to a number. if this is possible the result of code = 0, other wise code indicates the character where the error occured example: Textval := '354'; Val(Textval, Number, Code) --- Code = 0, Number = 354 Textval := '37645x2'; Val( Textval, Number, Code) --- Code = 6, Number remains unchanged; This FAQ was originally posted in the extinct Turbo Pascal Forum