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Categories / Delphi / Strings

How to Compress a string of digits to a BCD number

Title: How to Compress a string of digits to a BCD number function NumStringToBCD(const inStr: string): string; function Pack(ch1, ch2: Char): Char; begin Assert((ch1 = '0') and (ch1 = '9')); Assert((ch2 = '0') and (ch2 = '9')); {Ord('0') is $30, so we can just use the low nybble of the character as value.} Result := Chr((Ord(ch1) and $F) or ((Ord(ch2) and $F) shl 4)) end; var i: Integer; begin if Odd(Length(inStr)) then Result := NumStringToBCD('0' + instr) else begin SetLength(Result, Length(inStr) div 2); for i := 1 to Length(Result) do Result[i] := Pack(inStr[2 * i - 1], inStr[2 * i]); end; end; function BCDToNumString(const inStr: string): string; procedure UnPack(ch: Char; var ch1, ch2: Char); begin ch1 := Chr((Ord(ch) and $F) + $30); ch2 := Chr(((Ord(ch) shr 4) and $F) + $30); Assert((ch1 = '0') and (ch1 = '9')); Assert((ch2 = '0') and (ch2 = '9')); end; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, Length(inStr) * 2); for i := 1 to Length(inStr) do UnPack(inStr[i], Result[2 * i - 1], Result[2 * i]); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var S1, S2: string; begin S1 := '15151515151515151515'; S2 := NumStringToBCD(S1); memo1.lines.add('S1: ' + S1); memo1.lines.add('Length(S2): ' + IntToStr(Length(S2))); memo1.lines.add('S2 unpacked again: ' + BCDToNumString(S2)); end;