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How to Compare two strings in percent (strings simularity)

Title: How to Compare two strings in percent (strings simularity) function CompareStringsInPercent(Str1, Str2: string): Byte; type TLink = array[0..1] of Byte; var tmpPattern: TLink; PatternA, PatternB: array of TLink; IndexA, IndexB, LengthStr: Integer; begin Result := 100; // Building pattern tables LengthStr := Max(Length(Str1), Length(Str2)); for IndexA := 1 to LengthStr do begin if Length(Str1) = IndexA then begin SetLength(PatternA, (Length(PatternA) + 1)); PatternA[Length(PatternA) - 1][0] := Byte(Str1[IndexA]); PatternA[Length(PatternA) - 1][1] := IndexA; end; if Length(Str2) = IndexA then begin SetLength(PatternB, (Length(PatternB) + 1)); PatternB[Length(PatternB) - 1][0] := Byte(Str2[IndexA]); PatternB[Length(PatternB) - 1][1] := IndexA; end; end; // Quick Sort of pattern tables IndexA := 0; IndexB := 0; while ((IndexA (Length(PatternA) - 1)) and (IndexB (Length(PatternB) - 1))) do begin if Length(PatternA) IndexA then begin if PatternA[IndexA][0] [IndexA + 1][0] then begin tmpPattern[0] := PatternA[IndexA][0]; tmpPattern[1] := PatternA[IndexA][1]; PatternA[IndexA][0] := PatternA[IndexA + 1][0]; PatternA[IndexA][1] := PatternA[IndexA + 1][1]; PatternA[IndexA + 1][0] := tmpPattern[0]; PatternA[IndexA + 1][1] := tmpPattern[1]; if IndexA 0 then Dec(IndexA); end else Inc(IndexA); end; if Length(PatternB) IndexB then begin if PatternB[IndexB][0] [IndexB + 1][0] then begin tmpPattern[0] := PatternB[IndexB][0]; tmpPattern[1] := PatternB[IndexB][1]; PatternB[IndexB][0] := PatternB[IndexB + 1][0]; PatternB[IndexB][1] := PatternB[IndexB + 1][1]; PatternB[IndexB + 1][0] := tmpPattern[0]; PatternB[IndexB + 1][1] := tmpPattern[1]; if IndexB 0 then Dec(IndexB); end else Inc(IndexB); end; end; // Calculating simularity percentage LengthStr := Min(Length(PatternA), Length(PatternB)); for IndexA := 0 to (LengthStr - 1) do begin if PatternA[IndexA][0] = PatternB[IndexA][0] then begin if Max(PatternA[IndexA][1], PatternB[IndexA][1]) - Min(PatternA[IndexA][1], PatternB[IndexA][1]) 0 then Dec(Result, ((100 div LengthStr) div (Max(PatternA[IndexA][1], PatternB[IndexA][1]) - Min(PatternA[IndexA][1], PatternB[IndexA][1])))) else if Result 100 then Inc(Result); end else Dec(Result, (100 div LengthStr)) end; SetLength(PatternA, 0); SetLength(PatternB, 0); end; Usage Example: var Percent: byte; begin Percent := CompareStringsInPercent('this is a test', 'This is another test'); // 37% Percent := CompareStringsInPercent('this is some string', 'and yet another some string'); // 24% Percent := CompareStringsInPercent('abcde', 'fghij'); // 0% Percent := CompareStringsInPercent('1.jpg', '2.jpg'); // 81%