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How can i add pages to a ttabbednotebook at run-time

The following source code, which assumes that you have a tabbed notebook called TabbedNotebook1, will add a new page that contains an "OK" button: procedure whatever_whenever; var NewPage: TTabPage; NewPageNumber: word; NewButton: TButton; begin {Create the new TTabPage object} NewPage := TTabPage.Create(Application); {The page must be a child of the notebook} TabbedNotebook1.InsertControl(NewPage); {Add text to the notebook's Pages property; this will cause the new page to be added as the last tab on the notebook} NewPageNumber := TabbedNotebook1.Pages.Add(`New Page'); TabbedNotebook1.PagesObjects[NewPageNumber] := NewPage; {The page needs controls on it; here's how to add one} NewButton := TButton.Create(Self); (TabbedNotebook1.Pages.Objects[NewPageNumber] as TWinControl) .InsertControl(NewButton); NewButton.Top := 10; NewButton.Height := 30; NewButton.Width := 100; NewButton.Caption := `OK'; end;