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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Getting data type value in a string

Title: Getting data type value in a string Question: Frecuently we need to convert the text contained in text boxes into numeric values or perhaps dates. Here is how we can know if a string contains a valid integer, a float or a date value. Answer: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Author : Digital Survivor [Esteban Rodrguez Nieto | Jos Plano] // Email : | jose.plano@gmail // Web site : //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uses SysUtils; // Needed to call StrToIntDef and other funtions // Miscelaneous constants used to return value types const IS_INVALID = -1; IS_INTEGER = 0; IS_FLOAT = 1; IS_DATE = 2; // Validating an integer value function IsInteger(text: string) : boolean; begin if (StrToIntDef(text, IS_INVALID) IS_INVALID) then Result := true // A valid integer value else Result := false; // Not a valid integer value end; // Validating a float value function IsFloat(text: string) : boolean; begin if (StrToFloatDef(text, IS_INVALID) IS_INVALID) then Result := true // A valid float value else Result := false; // Not a valid float value end; // Validating a date value function IsDate(text: string) : boolean; begin if (StrToDateDef(text, IS_INVALID) IS_INVALID) then Result := true // A valid date value else Result := false; // Not a valid date value end; // This function will try to convert the string to all possible data types and it will return the type function GetType(text: string) : integer; begin if (StrToIntDef(text, IS_INVALID) IS_INVALID) then begin Result := IS_INTEGER; // A valid integer value Exit; end; if (StrToFloatDef(text, IS_INVALID) IS_INVALID) then begin Result := IS_FLOAT; // A valid float value Exit; end; if (StrToDateDef(text, IS_INVALID) IS_INVALID) then begin Result := IS_DATE; // A valid date value Exit; end; Result := IS_INVALID; // Not a valid integer, float or date value end; // I've search in this site for some example like this but I can't find any. Hope you find usefull. :)