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Get RichEdits word count

Title: Get RichEdit's word count Use CountInLine function which describe in a private chapter. This function carry out word count for one string only. Calling CountInLine for all lines of document, and you will get total word count of the document. ... private function CounInLine(Str: string): Integer; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var CountWord, i: Integer; begin CountWord:=0; with RichEdit1 do begin for i:=0 to Lines.Count-1 do CountWord:=CountWord+CountInLine(Lines.Strings[i]); end; Label1.Caption:='Word count = '+IntToStr(CountWord); end; function TForm1.CountInLine(Str: string): Integer; var Count,Inter: Integer; TimeStr,Symbol: string; begin Symbol:='!@#$%^&*()~[]{}":?&lt&gt,.|\/*'; Count:=0; while Length(Str)&gt0 do begin if Pos(' ',Str)=1 then Delete(Str,1,1) else begin TimeStr:=Copy(Str,1,Pos(' ',Str)-1); try Inter:=StrToInt(TimeStr); Count:=Count-1; except on EConvertError do Count:=Count; end; if (Length(TimeStr)=1) and (Pos(TimeStr,Symbol)&lt&gt0) then Count:=Count-1; if TimeStr='' then Str:='' else Delete(Str,1,Pos(' ',Str)-1); Count:=Count+1; end; end; CountInLine:=Count; end;