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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Get displayed text from an edit box

Title: Get displayed text from an edit box Question: One of my last problem was 'How to get the displayed text from an edit box' . All know that Edit.Text return the string . But how can get just the displayed part? So ... take a look ... Answer: I wish to thank to all who share their knowledges . procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var FirstChar, LastChar: Integer; Line: String; begin if Edit1.Text '' then begin Line := Edit1.Text; FirstChar := SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE,0,0); LastChar := SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM(Edit1.ClientRect.Right-3, 7)); Delete(Line, LOWORD(LastChar)+1, Length(Line)+1); Line := Copy(Line,FirstChar+1,Length(Line)+1); ShowMessage('First character index is '+IntToStr(FirstChar)+#13+'Last character index is '+IntToStr(LOWORD(LastChar))+#13+'Displayed text is '''+Line+''''); end else ShowMessage('No text'); end; end.