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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Fuzzy Matching Strings

Title: Fuzzy Matching Strings Question: How to get an idea of how closely 2 strings match Answer: unit FuzzyMatch; {This unit provides a basic 'fuzzy match' index on how alike two strings are The result is of type 'single': near 0 - poor match near 1 - close match The intention is that HowAlike(s1,s2)=HowAlike(s2,s1) The Function is not case sensitive} interface uses sysutils; function HowAlike(s1,s2:string):single; implementation function instr(start:integer;ToSearch,ToFind:string):integer; begin //This is a quick implementation of the VB InStr, since Pos just doesn't do what is needed!! //NB - case sensitive!! if start1 then Delete(ToSearch,1,start-1); result:=pos(ToFind,ToSearch); if (result0) and (start1) then inc(result,start); end; function HowAlike(s1,s2:string):single; var l1,l2,pass,position,size,foundpos,maxscore:integer; score,scored,string1pos,string2pos,bestmatchpos:single; swapstring,searchblock:string; begin s1:=Uppercase(trim(s1)); s2:=Uppercase(trim(s2)); score:=0; maxscore:=0; scored:=0; //deal with zero length strings... if (s1='') and (s2='') then begin result:=1; exit; end else if (s1='') or (s2='') then begin result:=0; exit; end; //why perform any mathematics is the result is clear? if s1=s2 then begin result:=1; exit; end; //make two passes, // with s1 and s2 each way round to ensure // consistent results for pass:=1 to 2 do begin l1:=length(s1); l2:=length(s2); for size:=l1 downto 1 do begin for position:=1 to (l1-size+1) do begin //try to find implied block in the other string //Big blocks score much better than small blocks searchblock:=copy(s1,position,size); foundpos:=pos(searchblock,s2); if size=l1 then string1pos:=0.5 else string1pos:=(position-1)/(l1-size); if foundpos0 then begin //the string is in somewhere in there // - find the 'closest' one. bestmatchpos:=-100; //won't find anything that far away! repeat if size=l2 then string2pos:=0.5 else string2pos:=(foundpos-1)/(l2-size); //If this closer than the previous best? if abs(string2pos-string1pos) bestmatchpos:=string2pos; foundpos:=instr(foundpos+1,s2,searchblock); until foundpos=0; //loop while foundpos0.. //The closest position is now known: Score it! //Score as follows: (1-distance of best match) score:=score+(1-abs(string1pos-bestmatchpos)); end; //Keep track if the maximum possible score //BE CAREFUL IF CHANGING THIS FUNCTION!!! //maxscore:=maxscore+1; inc(maxscore); end; //for position.. end; //for size.. if pass=1 then begin //swap the strings around swapstring:=s1; s1:=s2; s2:=swapstring; end; //Each pass is weighted equally scored:=scored+(0.5*(score/maxscore)); score:=0; maxscore:=0; end; //for pass.. //HowAlike=score/maxscore result:=scored; end; end.