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Delphi kısayol tuşları

{Listeyi kopyalayıp csv formatında kaydederseniz excel ile düzgün bir şekilde açıp inceleyebilirsiniz. Asri'ye teşekkürler.} These editor keyboard shortcuts apply to the Default keystroke mapping scheme.; Shortcut;Action or command F1;Help|Topic Search Ctrl+F1;Help|Topic Search F3;Search|Search Again Ctrl+E;Search|Incremental Search Ctrl+F;Search|Find Ctrl+I;Inserts a tab character Ctrl+j;Templates pop-up menu Ctrl+N;Inserts a new line Ctrl+P;Causes next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence Ctrl+R ;Search|Replace Ctrl+S;File|Save Ctrl+T;Deletes a word Ctrl+Y;Deletes a line Ctrl+Z;Edit|Undo Ctrl+<space bar>;Code Completion pop-up window Ctrl+Shift+g;Inserts a new Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) (Delphi) Ctrl+Shift+I;Indents block Ctrl+Shift+U;Outdents block Ctrl+Shift+Y;Deletes to the end of a line Ctrl+Shift+Z;Edit|Redo Ctrl+Shift+<space bar>;Code Parameters pop-up window Alt+[;Finds the matching delimiter (forward) Alt+];Finds the matching delimiter (backward) End ;Moves to the end of a line Home;Moves to the start of a line Enter;Inserts a carriage return Ins ;Turns insert mode on/off Del ;Deletes the character to the right of the cursor Backspace;Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Tab ;Inserts a tab Space;Inserts a blank space Left Arrow;Moves the cursor left one column, accounting for the autoindent setting Right Arrow;Moves the cursor right one column, accounting for the autoindent setting Up Arrow;Moves up one line Down Arrow;Moves down one line Page Up;Moves up one page Page Down;Moves down one page Ctrl+Left Arrow;Moves one word left Ctrl+Right Arrow;Moves one word right Ctrl+Tab ;Moves to the next code page (or file) Ctrl+Shift+Tab;Moves to the previous code page (or file) Ctrl+Backspace;Deletes the word to the right of the cursor Ctrl+Home;Moves to the top of a file Ctrl+End ;Moves to the end of a file Ctrl+Del ;Deletes a currently selected block Ctrl+Space;Inserts a blank space Ctrl+PgDn;Moves to the bottom of a screen Ctrl+PgUp;Moves to the top of a screen Ctrl+Up Arrow;Scrolls up one line Ctrl+Down Arrow;Scrolls down one line Ctrl+Enter;Opens file at cursor Shift+Tab ;Moves the cursor to the left one tab position Shift+Backspace;Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Shift+Left Arrow;Selects the character to the left of the cursor Shift+Right Arrow;Selects the character to the right of the cursor Shift+Up Arrow;Moves the cursor up one line and selects from the left of the starting cursor position Shift+Down Arrow;Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position Shift+PgUp;Moves the cursor up one screen and selects from the left of the starting cursor position Shift+PgDn;Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position Shift+End ;Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current line Shift+Home;Selects from the cursor position to the start of the current line Shift+Space;Inserts a blank space Shift+Enter;Inserts a new line with a carriage return Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow;Selects the word to the left of the cursor Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow;Selects the word to the right of the cursor Ctrl+Shift+Home;Selects from the cursor position to the start of the current file Ctrl+Shift+End ;Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current file Ctrl+Shift+PgDn;Selects from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen Ctrl+Shift+PgUp;Selects from the cursor position to the top of the screen Ctrl+Shift+Tab;Moves to the previous page Shift+Alt+arrow;Selects column-oriented blocks Click+Alt+mousemove;Selects column-oriented blocks Ctrl+O+C;Turns on column blocking Ctrl+O+K;Turns off column blocking Alt+Backspace;Edit|Undo Alt+Page Down;Goes to the next tab Alt+Page Up;Goes to the previous tab Alt+Shift+Backspace;Edit|Redo Alt+Shift+Left Arrow;Selects the column to the left of the cursor Alt+Shift+Right Arrow;Selects the column to the right of the cursor Alt+Shift+Up Arrow;Moves the cursor up one line and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position Alt+Shift+Down Arrow;Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position Alt+Shift+Page Up;Moves the cursor up one screen and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position Alt+Shift+Page Down;Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the right of the starting cursor position Alt+Shift+End;Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current line Alt+Shift+Home;Selects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current line Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left Arrow;Selects the column to the left of the cursor Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right Arrow;Selects the column to the right of the cursor Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Home;Selects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current file Ctrl+Alt+Shift+End;Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current file Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Page Up;Selects the column from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Page Down;Selects the column from the cursor position to the top of the screen Editor block command shortcuts apply to the Default and IDE Classic key mappings schemes.; Shortcut;Action or command Ctrl+K+B;Marks the beginning of a block Ctrl+K+C;Copies a selected block Ctrl+K+H;Hides/shows a selected block Ctrl+K+I;Indents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the General page of the Editor Options dialog box. Ctrl+K+K;Marks the end of a block Ctrl+K+L;Marks the current line as a block Ctrl+K+N;Changes a block to uppercase Ctrl+K+O;Changes a block to lowercase Ctrl+K+P;Prints selected block Ctrl+K+R;Reads a block from a file Ctrl+K+T;Marks a word as a block Ctrl+K+U;Outdents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the General page of the Editor Options dialog box. Ctrl+K+V;Moves a selected block Ctrl+K+W;Writes a selected block to a file Ctrl+K+Y;Deletes a selected block Ctrl+O+C;Turns on column blocking Ctrl+O+I;Marks an inclusive block Ctrl+O+K;Turns off column blocking Ctrl+O+L;Marks a line as a block Shift+Alt+arrow;Selects column-oriented blocks Click+Alt+mousemv;Selects column-oriented blocks Ctrl+Q+B;Moves to the beginning of a block Ctrl+Q+K;Moves to the end of a block The following bookmark operations shortcuts apply to the Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, and Visual Basic key mapping schemes.; Shortcut;Action Ctrl+K+0 ;Sets bookmark 0 Ctrl+K+1 ;Sets bookmark 1 Ctrl+K+2 ;Sets bookmark 2 Ctrl+K+3 ;Sets bookmark 3 Ctrl+K+4 ;Sets bookmark 4 Ctrl+K+5 ;Sets bookmark 5 Ctrl+K+6 ;Sets bookmark 6 Ctrl+K+7 ;Sets bookmark 7 Ctrl+K+8 ;Sets bookmark 8 Ctrl+K+9 ;Sets bookmark 9 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+0;Sets bookmark 0 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+1;Sets bookmark 1 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+2;Sets bookmark 2 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+3;Sets bookmark 3 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+4;Sets bookmark 4 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+5;Sets bookmark 5 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+6;Sets bookmark 6 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+7;Sets bookmark 7 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+8;Sets bookmark 8 Ctrl+K+Ctrl+9;Sets bookmark 9 Ctrl+Q+0 ;Goes to bookmark 0 Ctrl+Q+1 ;Goes to bookmark 1 Ctrl+Q+2 ;Goes to bookmark 2 Ctrl+Q+3 ;Goes to bookmark 3 Ctrl+Q+4 ;Goes to bookmark 4 Ctrl+Q+5 ;Goes to bookmark 5 Ctrl+Q+6 ;Goes to bookmark 6 Ctrl+Q+7 ;Goes to bookmark 7 Ctrl+Q+8 ;Goes to bookmark 8 Ctrl+Q+9 ;Goes to bookmark 9 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+0;Goes to bookmark 0 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+1;Goes to bookmark 1 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+2;Goes to bookmark 2 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+3;Goes to bookmark 3 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+4;Goes to bookmark 4 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+5;Goes to bookmark 5 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+6;Goes to bookmark 6 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+7;Goes to bookmark 7 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+8;Goes to bookmark 8 Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+9;Goes to bookmark 9 The following shortcuts apply only to the Default, Visual Studio, and Visual Basic schemes:; Shortcut;Action Shift+Ctrl+0;Sets bookmark 0 Shift+Ctrl+1;Sets bookmark 1 Shift+Ctrl+2;Sets bookmark 2 Shift+Ctrl+3;Sets bookmark 3 Shift+Ctrl+4;Sets bookmark 4 Shift+Ctrl+5;Sets bookmark 5 Shift+Ctrl+6;Sets bookmark 6 Shift+Ctrl+7;Sets bookmark 7 Shift+Ctrl+8;Sets bookmark 8 Shift+Ctrl+9;Sets bookmark 9 Ctrl+0;Goes to bookmark 0 Ctrl+1;Goes to bookmark 1 Ctrl+2;Goes to bookmark 2 Ctrl+3;Goes to bookmark 3 Ctrl+4;Goes to bookmark 4 Ctrl+5;Goes to bookmark 5 Ctrl+6;Goes to bookmark 6 Ctrl+7;Goes to bookmark 7 Ctrl+8;Goes to bookmark 8 Ctrl+9;Goes to bookmark 9 These cursor movement shortcuts apply to the Default and IDE Classic key mappings schemes.; Shortcut;Action Ctrl+Q+B;Moves to the beginning of a block Ctrl+Q+C;Moves to end of a file Ctrl+Q+D;Moves to the end of a line Ctrl+Q+E;Moves the cursor to the top of the window Ctrl+Q+K;Moves to the end of a block Ctrl+Q+P;Moves to previous position Ctrl+Q+R;Moves to the beginning of a file Ctrl+Q+S;Moves to the beginning of a line Ctrl+Q+T;Moves the viewing editor so that the current line is placed at the top of the window Ctrl+Q+U;Moves the viewing editor so that the current line is placed at the bottom of the window, if possible Ctrl+Q+X;Moves the cursor to the bottom of the window These miscellaneous commands shortcuts apply to the Default and the IDE Classic key mapping schemes.; Shortcut;Action or command Ctrl+K+D;Accesses the menu bar Ctrl+K+E;Changes a word to lowercase Ctrl+K+F;Changes a word to uppercase Ctrl+K+S;File|Save (Default and IDE Classic only) Ctrl+Q+A;Search|Replace Ctrl+Q+F;Search|Find Ctrl+Q+Y;Deletes to the end of a line Ctrl+Q+[ ;Finds the matching delimiter (forward) Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+[;Finds the matching delimiter (forward) Ctrl+Q+] ;Finds the matching delimiter (backward) Ctrl+Q+Ctrl+];Finds the matching delimiter (backward) Ctrl+O+A ;Open file at cursor Ctrl+O+B ;Browse symbol at cursor (Delphi only) Alt+right arrow ;For code browsing Alt +left arrow;For code browsing Ctrl+O+G ;Search|Go to line number Ctrl+O+O ;Inserts compiler options and directives Ctrl+O+U;Toggles case You can navigate quickly through your unit files by pressing Ctrl+Shift and the arrow keys.;; Place the cursor on the prototype of any method or global procedure in the interface section of a unit. Then press Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow or Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow to move to the procedure’s implementation.;; ;Press Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow or Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow to toggle between the interface and implementation sections.; The table below lists the keyboard shortcuts for debug operations.;; Command;Shortcut;Mapping Run|Run;F9;Default, IDE Classic, Brief, Epsilon ;F5;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Run|Go to Cursor;F4;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Alt+F7;Brief ;Ctrl+F10;Visual Studio ;Ctrl+F8;Visual Basic Run|Add Breakpoint;F5;Default Run|Trace Into;F7;Default, IDE Classic ;F11;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Run|Step Over;F8;Default, IDE Classic, Epsilon ;F10;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Run|Program Reset;Ctrl+F2;Default, IDE Classic, Brief, Epsilon Shift+F5;Visual Studio, Visual Basic; Run|Add Watch;Ctrl+F5;Epsilon ;Shift+F9;Visual Studio ;Ctrl+W;Visual Basic Add Watch at Cursor;Ctrl+F5;Default ;Ctrl+F7;IDE Classic ;Alt+F2;Brief Browse Symbol at Cursor;Ctrl+O+B;Default, IDE Classic, Brief (Delphi) Evaluate/Modify;Ctrl+F7;Default, Brief ;Ctrl+F4;IDE Classic ;Ctrl+F2;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Toggle Breakpoint;Ctrl+F8;IDE Classic, Brief ;F5;Epsilon ;F9;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Inspect;Alt+F5;Visual Studio, Visual Basic The table below lists the keyboard shortcuts for commands on the Edit menu.;; Command;Shortcut;Mapping Edit|Cut;Shift+Del;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ctrl+X;Default, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Minus (-) on keypad;Brief Edit|Copy;Ctrl+Ins;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ctrl+C;Default, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Plus (+) on keypad;Brief ;Alt+w;Epsilon ;Esc+@w;Epsilon ;Ctrl+Alt+w;Epsilon ;Esc+Ctrl+w;Epsilon Edit|Paste;Shift+Ins;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ctrl+V;Default, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ins;Brief ;Ctrl+Y;Epsilon Edit|Delete;Ctrl+Del;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic Edit|Redo;Ctrl+Shift+Z;Default, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Alt+Shift+Backspace;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ctrl+U;Brief ;Ctrl+X+r;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+R;Epsilon ;F10;Epsilon ;Ctrl+F10;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+Ctrl+R;Epsilon Edit|Undo;Alt+Backspace;Default, IDE Classic, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ctrl+Z;Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Asterisk //(*)/keypad;Brief Alt+U;Brief; ;Ctrl+X+u;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+U;Epsilon ;F9;Epsilon ;Ctrl+F9;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+Ctrl+U;Epsilon Edit|Select All;Ctrl+A;Visual Studio, Visual Basic The table below lists keyboard shortcuts for file commands.;; Command;Shortcut;Mapping File|New;Ctrl+n;Visual Studio, Visual Basic File|New Application;Ctrl+N;Visual Studio, Visual Basic File|Open;F3;IDE Classic ;Alt+E ;Brief ;Ctrl+X+Ctrl+F;Epsilon ;Ctrl+o;Visual Studio, Visual Basic File|Open Project;Ctrl+O;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Open File At Cursor;Ctrl+O+A;Default, IDE Classic, Brief ;Ctrl+G;Visual Studio, Visual Basic File|Save;Ctrl+K+S;Default, IDE Classic ;Ctrl+S;Default ;Ctrl+s;Visual Studio, Visual Basic F2;IDE Classic; ;Alt+W;Brief ;Ctrl+X+Ctrl+S;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+Ctrl+W;Epsilon File|Save As;Alt+O ;Brief ;Ctrl+F7;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+s;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+S;Epsilon File|Save All;Ctrl+x+s; ;Ctrl+S ;Visual Studio, Visual Basic File|Close;Alt+F3;IDE Classic ;Ctrl+Hyphen;Brief Close Active Window;Alt+F4;Default, IDE Classic, Brief, Epsilon File|Close;Alt+F3;IDE Classic ;Ctrl+Hyphen;Brief File|Use Unit;Alt+F11;Default, IDE Classic, Epsilon, Brief, Visual Studio, Visual Basic (Delphi) File menu;Alt+Z;Brief The table below lists the keyboard shortcuts for commands on the Search menu.;; Find;Ctrl+Q+F;Default, IDE Classic ;Ctrl+F;Default, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;F5;Brief ;Alt+F5;Brief ;Alt+S;Brief ;Ctrl+Alt+S;Epsilon ;Esc+Ctrl+S;Epsilon ;Ctrl+Alt+R;Epsilon ;Esc+Ctrl+R;Epsilon ;Alt+F3;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Replace;Ctrl+Q+A;Default, IDE Classic ;Ctrl+R ;Default ;Ctrl+H ;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Alt+T;Brief; ;F6;Brief ;Alt+F6;Brief ;Alt+&;Epsilon ;Esc+&;Epsilon ;Alt+%;Epsilon ;Esc+%;Epsilon ;Alt+*;Epsilon ;Esc+*;Epsilon Search Again;F3;Default, Visual Studio, Visual Basic ;Ctrl+L;IDE Classic ;Shift+F5;Brief Incremental Search ;Ctrl+Shift+S;IDE Classic ;Ctrl+I;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Go To Line Number;Ctrl+O+G;Default, IDE Classic, Brief Alt+G;Brief; ;Ctrl+X+g;Epsilon ;Ctrl+X+G;Epsilon ;Ctrl+g;Visual Studio, Visual Basic Form keyboard shorcuts;; Tab;Selects the next component; Shift+Tab;Selects the previous component Arrow Keys;Selects the nearest component in the direction pressed Ctrl+Arrow Keys;Moves the selected component one pixel at a time Shift+Arrow Keys;Changes the size of the selected component Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys;Moves the selected component one grid at a time (when Snap to Grid is enabled) Del;Deletes the selected component Esc;Selects the containing group (usually the form or group box) Enter;Toggles control between the Object Inspector and the last active form or unit F11;Changes focus to the Object Inspector, form, Object Inspector, then unit in that order. F12;Toggles between the form and its associated unit Ctrl+F12;Displays the View Unit dialog box Shift+F12;Displays the View Form dialog box Listed below are keyboard shortcuts for working with the Project Manager.; Arrow Keys;Selects forms and units Alt+A;Adds a form or unit to the project Alt+R;Removes a form or unit from the project Alt+U;Views the selected unit Alt+F;Views the selected form Alt+O;Displays the Project Options dialog box Alt+D;Updates the current project Enter;Views the selected unit Shift+Enter;Views the selected form Ins;Adds a file to the project Del;Removes a file from the project Listed below are keyboard shortcuts for working with the Object Inspector.; Ctrl+I;Opens the Object Selector Up and Down ; Arrow Keys;Selects properties or event handlers Left and Right ; Arrow Keys;Edits the value in the value or event column Tab;Toggles between the property and value columns in the Object Inspector Tab+<letter>;Jumps directly to the first property beginning with the letter Ctrl+Tab;Toggles between the properties and events tabs in the Object Inspector Page Up;Moves up one screen of properties Page Down;Moves down one screen of properties Alt+F10;Toggles expand and contract Alt+Down;Opens a drop-down list for a property. Ctrl+Down;Opens the object list drop-down. Ctrl+Enter;Selects the ellipsis button (if available) in a selected property. Listed below are keyboard shortcuts for working in the package editor.; Enter;Lets you view the selected unit’s source code. Ins;Brings up the Add dialog box so you can add a unit to the current folder (Contains or Requires). Del;Removes the selected item from the package. Ctrl+B;Compiles the current package. If changes to the package are required, a dialog box appears that lists the changes that will be made to the package before it is compiled. Ctrl+I;Installs the current package as a design time package. If changes to the package are required, a dialog box appears that lists the changes that will be made to the package before it is compiled. Listed below are keyboard shortcuts for navigating in the CPU window.; Shift+Left Arrow;Move left one pane. Shift+Right Arrow;Move right one pane. Shift+Up Arrow;Move up one pane. Shift+Down Arrow;Move down one pane. These clipboard keyboard shortcuts apply to the Default keystroke mapping scheme.; Shortcut;Command Ctrl+Ins;Edit|Copy Shift+Del;Edit|Cut Shift+Ins;Edit|Paste Ctrl+C;Edit|Copy Ctrl+V;Edit|Paste Ctrl+X;Edit|Cut The Debugger keyboard shortcuts apply to all key mapping schemes:; Ctrl+V;View Source Ctrl+S;Edit Source Ctrl+E ;Edit Breakpoint Enter;Edit Breakpoint Ctrl+D;Delete Breakpoint Del;Delete Breakpoint Ctrl+A ;Add Breakpoint Ins;Add Breakpoint Ctrl+N;Enable Breakpoint Call stack view; Ctrl+V;View Source Ctrl+E;Edit Source (Delphi only) Space;View Source (Epsilon only) Ctrl+Enter;Edit Source (Epsilon only) Message view; Ctrl+V;View Source Space;View Source Ctrl+S ;Edit Source Ctrl+Enter;Edit Source Watch view; Ctrl+E;Edit Watch Enter;Edit Watch Ctrl+A ;Add Watch Ins;Add Watch Ctrl+D;Delete Watch Del;Delete Watch These system keyboard shortcuts apply to the Default keystroke mapping scheme.; Shortcut;Action or command F1;Displays context-sensitive Help F4;Run|Go to Cursor F5;Run|Toggle Breakpoint F7;Run|Trace Into F8;Run|Step Over F9;Run|Run F11;View|Object Inspector F12;View|Toggle Form/Unit Alt+0 ;View|Window List Alt+F2;View|Debug Windows|CPU Alt+F7;Displays previous error in Message view Alt+F8;Displays next error in Message view Alt+F10;Displays a context menu Alt+F11;File|Use Unit Alt+F12;Displays the Code editor Alt+right arrow ;For code browsing forward Alt+left arrow;For code browsing backward Alt+up arrow;For code browsing Ctrl-click on identifier Alt+Page Down;Goes to the next tab Alt+Page Up;Goes to the previous tab Shift+Alt+arrow;Selects column-oriented blocks Click+Alt+mousemv;Selects column-oriented blocks Ctrl+O+C;Turns on column blocking Ctrl+O+K;Turns off column blocking Ctrl+F1;Help|Topic Search Ctrl+F2;Run|Program Reset Ctrl+F3;View|Call Stack Ctrl+F4;Closes current file Ctrl+F5;Add Watch at Cursor Ctrl+F7;Evaluate/Modify Ctrl+F9;Project|Compile project Ctrl+F11;File|Open Project Ctrl+F12;View|Units Ctrl+D;Descends item (replaces Inspector window) Ctrl+E;View|Code Explorer Ctrl+N;Opens a new Inspector window Ctrl+S;Incremental search Ctrl+T;Displays the Type Cast dialog Shift+F7;Run|Trace To Next Source Line Shift+F11;Project|Add To Project Shift+F12;View|Forms Ctrl+Shift+P;Plays back a key macro Ctrl+Shift+R;Records a key macro Ctrl+K+D;Accesses the menu bar Ctrl+K+S;File|Save Listed below are keyboard shortcuts for navigating in the CPU window.; Keyboard command;Description Shift+Left Arrow;Move left one pane. Shift+Right Arrow;Move right one pane. Shift+Up Arrow;Move up one pane. Shift+Down Arrow;Move down one pane.;;;;; Code Insight;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Code Parameters;Ctrl+Shift +Space;Ctrl+Shift +Space;Ctrl+Shift +Space;Ctrl+Shift +Space;Ctrl+Shift +Space;Ctrl+Shift +Space Code Completion;Ctrl+Space;Ctrl+Space;Ctrl+Space;Ctrl+Space;Ctrl+Space;Ctrl+Space Code Templates;Ctrl+J;Ctrl+J;Ctrl+J;Ctrl+J;Ctrl+J; Ctrl+Enter;Ctrl+J;;;;; Ctrl+Enter;;;;;; Class Completion;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Class Completion;Ctrl+Shift+C;Ctrl+Shift+C;Ctrl+Shift+C;Ctrl+Shift+C;Ctrl+Shift+C;Ctrl+Shift+C Class Nav Up;Ctrl+Shift+Up;Ctrl+Shift+Up;Ctrl+Shift+Up;Ctrl+Shift+Up;Ctrl+Shift+Up;Ctrl+Shift+Up Class Nav Down;Ctrl+Shift+Down;Ctrl+Shift+Down;Ctrl+Shift+ Down;Ctrl+Shift+ Down;Ctrl+Shift+Down;Ctrl+Shift+Down Message Window;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Previous Message;Alt+F7;Alt+F7;Alt+F7;Alt+F7;Shift+F4;Shift+F4 Next Message;Alt+F8;Alt+F8;Alt+F8;Alt+F8;F4;F4 IDE Windows;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Code Explorer;Ctrl+Shift+E;Ctrl+Shift+E;Ctrl+Shift+E;Ctrl+Shift+E;Ctrl+Shift+E;Ctrl+Shift+E Project Manager;Ctrl+Alt+F11;Ctrl+Alt+F11;Ctrl+Alt+F10;Ctrl+Alt+F11;; Window List;Alt+0 (zero);Alt+0 (zero);Alt+0 (zero);;; Alt+B;Alt+0 (zero);Alt+0 (zero);Alt+0 (zero);;; Object Inspector;F11;F11;F11;F11;Alt+Enter;Alt+Enter Code Browsing;Alt+left arrow;;;;; Alt+rt arrow;Alt+left arrow;;;;; Alt+rt arrow;Alt+left arrow;;;;; Alt+rt arrow;Not available;Alt+left arrow;;;; Alt+rt arrow;Alt+left arrow;;;;; Alt+rt arrow;;;;;; Debugger Windows;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Event Log;Ctrl+Alt+V;Ctrl+Alt+V;Ctrl+Alt+V;Ctrl+Alt+G;Ctrl+Alt+V;Ctrl+Alt+V Breakpoints;Ctrl+Alt+B;Ctrl+Alt+B;Ctrl+Alt+B;Ctrl+Alt+P;Ctrl+B;Ctrl+B Watches;Ctrl+Alt+W;Ctrl+Alt+W;Ctrl+Alt+W;Ctrl+Alt+A;Alt+3;Alt+3 Threads;Ctrl+Alt+T;Ctrl+Alt+T;Ctrl+Alt+T;Ctrl+Alt+T;Ctrl+Alt+H;Ctrl+Alt+H To-Do List Window;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Add To-do Item;Ctrl+Shift+T;Ctrl+Shift+T;Ctrl+Shift+T;Ctrl+Shift+T;Ctrl+Shift+T;Ctrl+Shift+T Editing;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Blocking Mode;Ctrl+O+L (line);;;;; Ctrl+O+C (column);Ctrl+O+L (line);;;;; Ctrl+O+C (column);(none);(none);Ctrl+F8 (line);;; Ctrl+Shift+F8 (Column);Ctrl+F8 (line);;;;; Ctrl+Shift+F8 (Column);;;;;; Debugging;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Trace Into;F7;F7;Shift+F8;F7;F11;F8 Step Over;F8;F8;Ctrl+F11;F8;F10;Shift+F8 Trace to next source line;Shift+F7;Shift+F7;Shift+F7;Shift+F7;Shift+F7;Shift+F7 Run to Cursor;F4;F4;(none);(none);Ctrl+F10;Ctrl+F8 Run until return;Shift+F8;Shift+F8;(none);Shift+F8;Shift+F11;Shift+F11 Program Reset;Ctrl+F2;Ctrl+F2;Ctrl+F2;Ctrl+F2;Shift+F5;Shift+F5 Evaluate/Modify;Ctrl+F7;Ctrl+F4;(none);(none);Ctrl+F2;Ctrl+F2 Add Watch;Ctrl+F5;Ctrl+F7;(none);Ctrl+F5;Shift+F9;Ctrl+W Toggle Breakpoint;F5;Ctrl+F8;Ctrl+F8;F5;F9;F9 Compiling;;;;;; Feature;Default;IDE Classic;Brief;Epsilon;Visual Studio;Visual Basic Project Commands;Ctrl+F9;Ctrl+F9;Ctrl+F9;Alt+F9;Ctrl+F7;Ctrl+F7 Build;(none);(none);(none);(none);F7;F7 Syntax Check;F4;(none);(none);(none);F9;F8 Options;Ctrl+Shift +F11;Ctrl+Shift+F11;Ctrl+Shift +F10;Ctrl+Shift +F11;Alt+F7;Alt+F7