Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Strings

Comparing of two strings

Title: Comparing of two strings If symbol of second string is equal to symbol of first string, then we will write '*' symbol, else we will write symbol of second string. So you will get all symbols, which are present in both strings. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MinLen, i: Integer; Str1, Str2: string; begin Edit3.Text:=''; if (Length(Edit1.Text)&gt=Length(Edit2.Text)) then MinLen:=Length(Edit2.Text) else MinLen:=Length(Edit1.Text); Str1:=Edit1.Text; Str2:=Edit2.Text; for i:=1 to MinLen do if Str1[i]=Str2[i] then Edit3.Text:=Edit3.Text+'*' else Edit3.Text:=Edit3.Text+Str2[i]; end;