Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Strings

Compare Strings with wildcards

Title: Compare Strings with wildcards Question: Howto Compare Strings with wildcards for Characters Answer: unit compString; interface Function CompStr( Stra, Valcode : String) : Boolean; implementation function CompStr( Stra, Valcode : String) : Boolean; var K : integer; Procedure CompChar(a,v : char); var i, code : integer; begin case v of '?':begin val(a,i,code); if code = 0 then CompStr := False; end; '#':begin val(a,i,code); if code = 1 then CompStr := False; end; '*': else begin if a v then CompStr := False; end; end; end; begin if length(Stra) = Length(Valcode) then begin CompStr := True; For k := 1 to Length(StrA) do begin CompChar(Stra[k],Valcode[k]); if not(result) then break; end; end Else Result := False; end; end.